noun: racism
- the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
I am white, therefore, I am a racist. This is the sentence some people expect my people to live by. Because I came from a white, middle class family I know nothing of hardship, death and struggle. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have been told, “You don’t know anything, you’re white.” This offends me deeply and I am here to tell you it needs to stop. I am supposed to be racist because I was “supposedly” born with a silver spoon in my mouth, nothing ever went wrong and I am going to college.
I have felt that people judge me based on MY skin color. I didn’t get ANY grants for school because I wasn’t a minority (yes I was told this specifically). Because I was a white woman with a single parent, I still didn’t qualify for a grant to go to school. I’m sorry but, some people who do get grants take them for granted and don’t keep up their grades, they throw away their education for no reason. It is up to YOU to make your life better, not anyone else’s and how can you do that with no education or goals in life?
Sure there are racists and real bad apples out there in the world. I will be the first to tell you there are bad white, black, purple, or brown people out there. I have seen bad people, met them and talked to them. I have met white people who think they’re above the law, I have met black people who have thought they were entitled to something from ME because my ancestors may or may not have owned slaves and I have met Hispanic people who think this countries resources are their’s for the taking without going through the proper channels to become a citizen.
I am tired of the mentality that people are owed something in this life. You are OWED NOTHING from ANYONE. Let me say that again, YOU ARE OWED NOTHING. I will tell you that you can have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as long as those fall within the laws set forth by the government. Please do not call me a racist anymore, when you have no evidence besides the color of my skin to support the accusation. Wait isn’t that what racism is? Does that mean that you are a racist if you judge me for something and hate me because of the color of my skin?
Yes, you may hate the government and think they are out to get you but, this doesn’t change the facts that our founding fathers put this into place and we must respect the offices if not the person within the office. I was always taught that you might not like the President but, you will respect the office he was appointed.
I come from a family in the military and in law enforcement. I grew up in that life, I have seen what the job does to people. Carrying the weight of protecting people who don’t even want them there is a lot harder than you think. Being criticized for the actions of a few sucks believe me I know. But, apparently my father is a killer and a racist just like I am. It doesn’t matter that he loves all of God’s creatures or that he does what he thinks is best for everyone. If it was between a criminal with a weapon and him going home that day it was going to be my father.
Sure the criminal might have children and family that will miss him and that is okay to grieve for someone you love but, DON’T EXCUSE WHAT HIS ACTIONS WERE. He had a weapon and tried to pull it, that was his greatest mistake. Don’t resist the authority that protects its citizens from chaos and destruction.
Please please, let the justice system do the job it was put into place for. That is all that I ask for, if the cop was guilty then he will be handled by the justice system, if he wasn’t please leave the man in peace to live his life the way he needed to. You win some, you lose some. The justice system is not supposed to be perfect but, it will do the job it needs to do, the lawyers will find the evidence and present it to a judge and jury then the decision will come. It’s not fair, I know but this justice system is something we have to trust and let it run its course. Either way that man has to live with the fact that he killed another human being, justly or not and he will be judged by the ultimate judge, juror and executioner; the big man upstairs.
I am not, nor will I ever be a racist. Please don't label me as one. If you are one of those people that do, please feel free to re-evaluate your priorities, if you truly do want change, or if you just want revenge for things that happened long before you were born.