My name is Hayden and I'm a minority in all terms of the word.
I am a transgender African/Latino man living in America right now and it's scary being me. It is scary for thousands of transgender individuals around the nation right now. I live in fear going into a public bathroom, shopping in the men's department, or even just going into the store.
Tensions against transgender people are at an all time high thanks to the Trump Administration. I cannot expect you to relate to my situation (being transgender) if you aren't. But I do expect you to support me through it. Recently, Donald Trump banned all transgender people from the military, and this has only risen tensions.
Wherever I look on social media, I see people talking about how people like me are mentally ill, how we are sick, and how we deserve to die. I am human. We are human. I am no different than anyone else. I suspect much of this hatred boils down to being uneducated, but I suppose I will never know.
I have had so called friends and family turn their backs on me because of who I am, and I'm not the only one. This year alone, there have been 22 documented cases of transgender people being murdered because of who they are. I walk down the street with the fear in my brain every day. Mind you, these are only the documented cases.
Being transgender is not covered under the Civil Rights Act. I can be fired from my job for being transgender. I can be denied health care and emergency services because I am transgender. I can be denied housing because I'm transgender.
Please do not think this is something that I choose. Know that this is something that has been with me since I was born. I am lucky to have the support system that I do, but so many people. don't have a support system. The transgender rate of suicide is 40%. Let that sink in. 40% of transgender adults report having attempted suicide.
Compared to the 13% percent of the general population, that number is massive. This statistic could be drastically smaller if we showed compassion and respect for transgender people. But unfortunately, that is not a common thing that happens in America.
Hate is something that is taught, not something that we are born with. Transgender people like me should not have to fight for our rights the way that we do. We should not have to worry about using a public bathroom. This is a fight that we will continue to battle for a long time. This is not a fight that we can fight alone though.
We need our allies to make things happen. Our voices will not be heard without the support of the general population. Please keep that in mind when offensive pieces of legislation get proposed, or when you see the blatant harassment of a transgender person. Speak up and speak out. That is the only thing that will save us.