People always say that everything happens for a reason and that God always has a plan for you. It is easy to believe when everything is going well. And then a curve ball is thrown at you. Something that you do not think you can get through. During all of this, open your eyes because God is throwing blessings at you even in the hardest of times.
Not every day is a guarantee. So why spend all of your time moping and having a negative attitude? Yes life is hard and yes things suck sometimes, but my God is good and my God can help me through any situation that life throws at me and I have every intention of praising my God through it all. My God knows every part of my heart, he knows my thoughts and my dreams. He knows what is best for me and he knows what he is doing. I will trust in him during everything. I will thank him for the things he gives and even the things that he takes away from me. Nothing can stop me from loving my God and knowing that my God loves me too.
Knowing that I have a God that has unconditional love for me brings me great joy. I have done nothing to deserve a love that he has given me. He gives me strength to get through every day even when I do not think that I can get through. My God will not let me go. He will hold my right hand and he will guide me on a path where he wants to take me, and if that means letting go of things in my comfort zone then that is what I will do. My God will lead me and love me forever.
I will find joy in all of my circumstances. Every day is a new blessing because I am alive and I get the opportunity to praise my God. I see the trees, I see the flowers and the birds and I see my God. I feel the wind on my face and the cold in the air and I feel my God. He is around me. He is everywhere. He is watching me and protecting me from all things. My God is everything. My God is the only thing I need. My God brings me peace.
How could I be afraid of the future when I have my God writing out my path? He will do everything that is good for me and nothing less. There will be challenges and there will be struggles but I know that My God can help me overcome. He does not give me anything that I cannot handle.
I will wake up everyday and praise my God. Even during the darkest days where I am unsure of my path. I will forever be sure of My God.