I Am Selfish And It Is A Good Thing | The Odyssey Online
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I Am Selfish And It Is A Good Thing

It's perfectly fine to take a little time for yourself.

I Am Selfish And It Is A Good Thing

I am a selfish person and I have no shame in saying this. Yes, I have a profession. Yes, I am a dutiful friend. Yes, I am good to my family. However, my top priority is to make myself happy and that is ok.

In my opinion, this generation is brave. These are the people who are fixing the problems bestowed upon them by other generations. These are the people who are making the world a more accepting place to live each and every day. These are the people who don’t shy away from being fiercely independent. We are the first generation that, for the most part, has decided to choose themselves before they choose another. Yet, society has the tendency to tear these people apart based on this decision. In the present day, people perceive the twenty-something generation as erratic and irresponsible. We’re seemingly selfish individuals with no consideration for others. Have no fear; I’m here to dispel this rumor.

Time is free but it is priceless. The way that you spend it is entirely up to you- we are only given a certain amount. Some people may choose to spend their time “selfishly” while others may stick to the status quo and pursue the traditional route. Neither route should be deemed ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. For the twenty-something generation, the “selfish” route looks to be the one that involves spending the majority of time with friends, or even alone. Sometimes in the eyes of others, this is seen as a waste of time because we aren’t taking the time to invest in our futures, in the traditional sense of settling down and figuring out the next 10 years. Instead, our friends are the ones that we want surrounding us at the present moment because that is where we are at; that's what makes us happy. At the point in time, it is important to invest in ourselves and figure out what we want. For most of us, we won’t know what this looks like until later on.

Cell phones and technology help to keep the world connected. Being able to see your mother’s face while you are away at school is a comforting feeling that is unique to our generation. On the flip side, this technology can also become crippling and attach a burden to our everyday lives. It is ok to turn the phone off once in awhile or take a few hours to return a text message. The world will not stop turning if your Snapchat streak ends. Don’t be hindered by the fear of missing out on that perfect Insta pic because you could be missing out on life’s wonderful moments. Humans were given five senses for a reason, get out there and use all five of them!

Talking to strangers has been everyone’s no-no growing up. People are always afraid of being taken advantage of. This is a real concern and I am not discounting it by any means. Here’s what I am trying to say: kindness takes it shape in many forms. Don’t be afraid to interact with those around you. For example, have a meaningful conversation with your waitress. Get to know the barista that makes your coffee every morning. The world is a magically diverse place with unique individuals; getting to know these people can enhance the quality of our own lives and opens up personal perspectives. Sometimes these people have the potential to help when we least expect it. It should never be considered “selfish” to ask for help. At the end of the day, all of us are orbiting the sun at 67,000 miles per hour, it’s going to be crazy at times and we’re all in this together.

In short, “selfishness” and “self-centeredness” are two different things. It is ok to be selfish; everybody should have the opportunity to do so once in awhile. When you take the time to help yourself, you can make a bigger impact those around you because you are being the best that you can be. So get out there and TREAT YO SELF.

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