For the past four years now I have been Questioning. There I've said it. To anyone in my family who doesn't know. Well, Surprise? I guess. This should not be a surprise to anyone who knows me. I think my mom knew before I knew or even told her... Then again I think we can all agree that our Mom's have supernatural powers about knowing things before we do or being able to find something we've lost when we have torn our bedroom's apart trying to find our left shoe.
I'm pretty damn proud of the fact that I am questioning my own sexuality. I was originally going to try and in some complicated way explain my attractions with definitions and all that bullshit and magically arrive with some word for what my feelings mean and be able to say, "I'm 7789-sexual and this is what that means and I'm proud of that." I realized after nearly chocking on my liquid happiness, Lemonade, that trying to define my sexuality is total garbage because it doesn't matter to anyone else but me. Who I am attracted to is my issue and nobody else should really care because it has nothing to do with them.
I could be talking about how I didn't watch the debates before the election or my struggle with my weight because of the pressure I've been putting on myself to try and loose weight. I could be talking about that but I decided to write about Sexuality because I feel that it's a topic of note. People think the LGBTQ community is this perfect utopia of rainbows and smashing of Gender Stereotypes with a the sledge hammer of civil rights. I'm saying it's not. People believe Stereotypes that Bisexuals are greedy or confused, They feel attraction toward both genders and everyone who thinks the stereotypes are true needs to wake. Please. Come out of that coma you've been in and get on the internet. It'll change your life.
I'm Questioning and I'm fine with it. I also really don't care what other people think, it doesn't really matter to me. Sexuality is fluid, mildly complicated, and is sometimes difficult to explain... This is hard to explain in person so writing about it is easier.
I want to make people aware of how they react when someone they care about comes out to them. If someone you care about comes out to you, what they are telling you is important. Do not judge them. Do not get mad at them. Accept them and love them as you always have. Being anything other than straight or the gender they were assigned at birth does not make them worth any less. Nobody chooses to be Gay or Transgender. People are not capable of controlling what we believe in our hearts is what we are supposed to be.
I might be seen as a coward for coming out to everyone over an article about my own feelings and my struggle with something, but I'd rather not be in the closet with the current political fever that seems to have infected the entire nation. If anyone has a problem with my orientation and who thinks that I'm "going to hell" because their are people like that... Jesus loves everyone no matter what. So, Jokes on you, people who have a problem with anyone who isn't straight or follows the gender they were assigned at birth.
My fight instigating aside... This entire topic is SEVERAL MILLION TIMES MORE COMPLICATED THEN I CAN EXPLAIN IN ONE ARTICLE. So, I'm just going to end it here. THANKS FOR READING. HAPPY SEASON OF COLD. Stay warm. Seriously. Do not get frostbite.