In today's society, there is so much hype behind having a prestigious job and being college educated. It is true, of course, that doctors are needed to keep us alive, teachers are needed to make sure we have basic functional knowledge and law enforcement officials are needed to keep us safe. But, it is also true that loggers are needed to supply us with lumber, electricians are needed to keep the lights on, construction workers are needed to provide us with businesses and shelter and factory workers are needed to provide us with products.
I grew up in a blue collar household and I couldn't be more proud of my roots. My mom was a teacher, but my dad was a logger. From both of them, I learned that if you have a good work ethic, you can achieve the impossible.
You see, they both grew up blue collar as well. They knew first hand the struggles of having to work hard to make a living and became strong-willed individuals as a result.
Growing up in a blue collar family taught me a lot of things.
I learned to be happy with what I have. Sure, I may have quite a bit, but it's because my parents worked so incredibly hard to make sure their kids were happy. Something I plan to do when I have a family of my own.
I learned to work hard against adversity and surpass any goal I have set for myself. Following my parents' example, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
I learned to respect all other regardless of their background. Everybody serves a purpose and deserves to be happy. We were all made by the same God and share the same Earth. Everybody deserves a smile when you pass them on the street.
I learned manners. I learned not to take from others beacuse if you work hard enough, you'll have all you need. I learned to hold the door open for strangers. I learned to give to those in need. I learned to be kind. I learned how to treat others with respect.
I learned how to be a jack of all trades. I would help my grandparents on the farm and my dad in the woods. I would help my mom grade papers and my dad put things together. I grew up trying new things everyday and I think that is where my adventurous and can-do attitude came from.
I learned to be open minded and easy going.
I learned that I want to help people realize their dreams. I learned that everybody has different dreams and it is not respectful to discourage somebody from their dream.
Growing up blue collar is a blessing to me, as it helped me learn how to appreciate the world and everybody in it.
In my honest opinion, blue collar Americans know what it is like to be true blooded Americans more than any other class of citizens.