Does it make sense that racism is a state of mind? Even though racism is defined as a social, prejudicial, and discriminatory judgment and belief that one’s race is superior to another race, it’s been found out that this term is still being ignored its true meaning to many folks. Some still think they are entitled to be racist, and proud to be, which I found out to be sad and a weakness for the society that every rational human expects to be inclusive for all, beyond our differences.
“I am not racist, I just don’t like Africans." I heard this saying from several of my encounters who did not find themselves bothered to be that guy who finds joy in being the racist. I don’t want to judge someone’s position or belief, but as far as I know, pretending having preference as a way to be racist may not be without consequences. Unfortunately, racism drags so much negative biases and harmful consequences to the society for someone to choose to be identified as racist. It is mind blowing in the sense that it undervalues other human beings. It is arrogant because it underestimate the existentialism of other races. It is egomaniac because it only promotes a sense of self to the expenses of everyone else.
Not because you are born with a lighter skin color makes you more valuable than someone else. It makes sense that nature favors beauty. But, believe it or not, human must think in order to exist. Beauty may be indeed a burden instead of a blessing when the human being tends to use it as a tool of ignorance. Of course, I side with nature in many aspects of life that humankind and its federal governments may find belligerent or inconsequent to humankind. I believe in humility, for too much smugness will only develop a small mind on self. But when skin color is used as a tool to disrespect the values and existence of another race, it is no longer beautiful. It’s ugly, disgusting, and become political. Don’t put yourself in this category of unrefined who tend to see and judge by appearance. Everyone has a heart, a brain, and a soul that make them human. Disrespecting them because of melanin, ethical, or cultural differences makes us look ugly in the eyes of a normal and rational person. A normal and rational person values and celebrate life in everyone; he or she sees a human being before color or other differences in belief in every other entity they cross. Are you one of them?
The target is not to let go of your aesthetic lifestyles and disvalue your beautiful inner body or skin color. The essential is to learn how to be handsome in a way that it is not used as a tool to discriminate against those who are born differently than you. For instance, I grew up with a light-weight average body type. As a consequence, I used to be scared of obese and “chubby” white folks when I came to USA. I do remember being scared from seeing or crossing similar white folks in a narrow road or place if I am alone. I thought I was wrong. I educate myself about body sizes, differences, and how these people are not really evil bodies as I initially thought. I did change my mind couple months ago when I had to interact with similar buddies as part of class group projects. I learned that we can all live with one another if we try to understand them instead of making assumptions. In the end, my message to these folks who told me “I am not racist, I just have preferences” as a way to justify their preferences in love, is a dangerous belief that needs their time. Racism will develop beyond the scope of love, and causes more harmful outcomes in the society of tomorrow regardless how it took roots. Thanks for being a positive and active reader, hoping you will cooperate if necessary. Hugs!