Hi there.
Chances are if you clicked on this article you are hoping for some sugar-coated words that will make you believe that you are enough, but how many articles, or quotes have you read like that? A lot, right? Yet, here you are clicking on another one in hopes that this article will change your life, unfortunately I can’t do that. Hell, I can’t even do that for myself.
I am not enough.
I can’t even tell you how many times a day I tell myself that. I am not enough for the guy I like. I am not enough for my friends, they deserve better. I am not enough for my parents, I feel like a disappointment. I am not enough for my sister, she deserves a sister that can actually be strong for her. My grades are not enough, I won’t make it in my program. I am constantly drowning with these thoughts.
But, I’ve developed a life raft of sorts. While I haven’t figured out how to stop these thoughts from creeping in, I have figured out how to chase them away.
I am not enough for that guy, but even at my best I will never be enough for him, because he is the wrong guy. At my absolute worst I will still be more than enough to the right guy, and the same goes for you. I can do everything in my power to try and be the kind of girl he desires and it still wouldn’t matter, the Universe knows better. Maybe down the road I’ll be enough for him, but right now the forces of nature won’t have it. I am enough for myself though, and tomorrow I will be even more.
I am not enough for my friends, but on some days they are not enough for me either. We balance each other out, friendships are about effort, some days I can only give 30% and my friends have to give 70%. Some days I will need to pick my friends up off the floor, on days like that I will end up giving 80% to their 20%. Balance. So yes, some days I will not be enough, and yes, on those days they do deserve better, but friendships are about balance and at the end of the day we all equal 100%.
I am not enough for my parents, I screw up, I fail, and I’m sure the thought has crossed their minds what it would be like to have a different person as their daughter. However, I know my parents would disagree, because while in my eyes I may not be enough, in their eyes I have exceeded expectations. In their eyes, I have soared farther than they could’ve ever hoped. That’s the funny thing about family, it doesn’t matter if you’re the last person to cross the finish line, they’ll still be on the sidelines, cheering as if you came in first.
I am not enough for my sister, but that’s okay. I have shown her that you can be less than perfect and still be loved. I have shown her that failure is an option, but giving up is not. I have shown her that despite how many scars one has, she can still rise from the ashes. Showing weakness is not the opposite of being strong, it is the definition.
I am not enough, but that’s okay. I will never be enough. You will never be enough. There is not a single person on this earth that is enough, because the level of perfection we hold ourselves to is unattainable. You can fail and still push forward. You can fall and still rise. You can disappoint and still be loved.
So, I am sorry to say that you are not enough. You will never be enough, but want to know what you are?
You are loved. You are smart, kind, loving, and beautiful. You are going to go so far in life, you are going to find someone that loves you for every ounce of your being, and that person will pick you up whenever you fall. You are stunning, your smile is radiating, you are so magical, and the Universe is rooting for you. I am rooting for you. So please stop aiming to be enough, because honestly you are so much more than enough. I love you, the Universe loves you, your friends love you, your family loves you, and eventually you will come to love yourself.
I promise.
All the good vibes,
A girl who is not enough because she is so much more.