I am not beautiful; and here's why.
I am not beautiful because a word does not define me. I am a combination of many traits, idiosyncrasies, beliefs, values, thoughts, and ideas. I am a complex individual who won't let anyone tell her who she is. I refuse to be defined by the way I look, whether you think I am pretty or not. Why? Because there are so many different things to be; and my physical appearance does not tell anyone anything about who I am as a person. So no, I am not beautiful, but I am so much more than that.
I am intelligent. I am talented. I am strong. I am athletic. I am stubborn. I am kind. I am honest. I am goofy. I am dedicated. I am passionate. I am so much more. I am a writer, a sister, a daughter, a friend, an athlete, a "bug-a-phobic," a football lover, and a board game fanatic. Most importantly, I am me. I am an intense fusion of every word than someone could use to describe me; and I am not afraid to own those descriptions.
So next time you want to say I'm beautiful, don't. Because when you say I'm beautiful, that beauty is only skin deep. Instead, say I am unique. Say I am independent. Say I have inspired you. Say you have never met anyone quite like me. Those are much more of a compliment than saying I am beautiful.
Saying I am beautiful means that you have not looked beyond the surface of my skin. You have not taken the time to get to know me for me. You have not put in the effort to find other words to describe me as human being. You have not given me the chance to prove myself as individual before you tell me about my appearance (whether positively or negatively).
No, I'm not saying that I will not accept and appreciate the compliment when someone tells me that I am beautiful. Any compliment means the world to me, because someone has taken a moment out of their day to be kind to me. When someone tells me I look good that day, or that they like the way my hair looks, I definitely feel better about myself. I'm not telling you to never call me beautiful.
But, I am telling you to look deeper and find the other parts of me that make me beautiful on the inside.What I am saying is that there are so many more words we can use to describe people, and places too. Words that will give so much more satisfaction and meaning to that person or place, and to you. That girl you saw yesterday is elegant or graceful. That athlete in the library until midnight is dedicated. That sunset is breathtaking. You see, when one word is always used to describe a person or place, that word becomes less and less meaningful each time it is used.
So no, I am not beautiful, I am so much more than that.