I am not my anxiety. I am not the shaking leg or the sweaty palms that you see in class. I am not mean because I sometimes stay quiet in fear that I will offend someone. I am not lame because my anxiety keeps me from wanting to leave the house. I am not my anxiety.
Every single day that I get out of bed and go, I win. I fight my anxiety and beat it. I am not my anxiety. Every time I go out with my friends and have fun, I beat the voice inside my head that is telling me that I am not good enough or that I don't deserve to be happy. I am not my anxiety. When I do well on a test or project and actually feel proud for once, I beat my anxiety. When I let myself be free of these feelings, even for a little while, I beat my anxiety.
Here's the thing, anxiety isn't just about being nervous and wondering what is going to happen next; it is about constantly feeling like you are going to mess up or offended someone. It is about trying to convince yourself everyday that you are good enough and you deserve to be happy too. It is about not beating yourself up every time that you make a mistake. It is saying sorry over and over in hopes that you will eventually forgive yourself. It is re-running conversations and interactions through your head wondering if you should of done something differently. It is reminding yourself that you are not your anxiety. You are just someone who has a challenge in your life that you have to overcome.
I am not my anxiety because i refuse to let this be my label. The person behind the shaking leg and the stuttering words, that is who I truly am.