I went on a diet in the beginning of the summer, and I have lost 10 pounds so far. Although most people want to lose weight to look good for others and to impress them, I am doing it for me.
Yes, of course, it’s nice to hear compliments like “You look great” and “Oh did you lose weight?” but sometimes those compliments hurt. Did I not look good before hand? Why do you even care? Do you only care because I am getting skinnier?
Those comments are nice, but it makes you wonder what others think of you because of your weight.
I decided to go on a diet for a few reasons, and they were all for me.
The first is mainly for health. I don’t have the healthiest genes, and I want to live a full healthy life where I get to live to see my grandkids get married. I don’t want to have health problems and have to worry about being sick.
I’m also tired of buying bigger clothes. Did you know that some stores charge more money (minimum $2.00) for plus size clothing? So because someone is an extra large, they are only using a little bit more material than someone who is a large. Why should I have to pay extra?
Also, none of the cute clothes are in my size. I will fall in love with a dress, or a shirt, or jeans, and the sizes only go up to a medium, or a 10. It really discourages me because just because I’m plus size doesn’t mean I can’t have fashion sense.
Since I have started working out and eating better, I have felt better. Sure, the first couple days were rough. My stomach was growling and I really wanted pizza, but once I saw the pounds come off and my clothes fit me better, I didn’t want to stop.
Working out makes me feel like I have accomplished something, and those endorphins really put me in a better mood. (Plus, then I don’t feel so bad having a snack because I worked off the extra carbs.)
I started to get motivated after my ankle healed. In the beginning, of the year, I broke my ankle and I was sedentary and non mobile for weeks. I was itching to just get up and walk around my house. Once I was healed and cleared by the doctor, it felt great to be able to walk again.
My gym membership was never used as much as it is now. I have lived for the past couple of months by the quote, “Your setback is a platform for your comeback.” Losing weight after my injury and continuing to do so, has motivated me to put my mind to anything. (Although, I won’t go ice skating again.)
So if you see me, it is nice to be complimented, but just know I’m not doing it for the nice remarks, I am doing it for me and because I want to. Instead ask me how life is or tell me you like my shirt. Leave my weight out of it and just appreciate me for me, and know that I am happy.