Sometimes I wonder why I don't like doing the same things as my peers. I don't find enjoyment in the same places and I am perfectly content with that. But it gets draining when you're constantly being asked, "Are you doing anything fun this weekend" or "How was your weekend?" Especially when my idea of fun isn't the same as theirs.
My idea of fun over the weekend is spending quality time with my husband, getting long runs at the park in, taking afternoon naps, catching up on schoolwork, getting my chores done, going out to dinner, and laying in bed drinking a glass of wine. To tell others that, is annoying and honestly hard to summarize. So I typically say I had a "nice, relaxing weekend."
Maybe it's because I keep my circle small and only really enjoy the company of my husband and family. Every once in a while I see a good friend, but honestly ever since undergrad, I don't really care to do much with other people.
I wouldn't say I'm not a people person because I do enjoy working with other people and ultimately helping others. However, when it comes to school and social outings, I prefer to fly solo. Maybe because I'm surrounded by people in close quarters most hours of the day so when the weekend comes, I don't want to wait in line for brunch, go to a museum, or shopping at the mall.
There's a lot of things I want to accomplish in my life and I feel that anyone's time is THE most valuable asset. This is exactly why I like to spend my "extra" time the way I want to and not wasting it just to please somebody else.
Maybe I'm an outcast or maybe there are not many people I have met who are on the same wavelength. Either way, I don't like the feeling of conforming and feeling pressure to do things a certain way, attend specific happy hours, and pretending that I'm interested in the same things my peers are because I am not. I gave up that way of living once I turned 20 and became independent and I don't see the point of going back to that lifestyle now.