So, I'm going to assume many of you have read "I Am A Female And I Am So Over Feminists". If you haven't, feel free to click on the link and read. It's cool, this article will still be here when you get back.
Okay LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS! To talk about this nonsense that is this article.
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So pretty much this article talks about how we who identify as feminists need to calm down. How dare we put men down and how dare we think we're the supreme sex and blah blah blah.
THAT IS NOT WHAT FEMINISM IS ABOUT. The definition of feminism from Merriam-Webster is the following:
the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
Do you see the special word in that sentence? EQUALITY. Feminism is about the equality between men and women. It is not stating that females are the superior sex and that we run everything and such as this article had suggested. I totally understand that there are people who claim to be feminists and then go to the extreme. They're extremists, and for a lack of a better term, femi-nazis. That's who that article was really addressing.
Get your facts in order and learn the definition of a term before you start going and slandering the people who support the cause. A cause YOU should be supporting too. Don't you want to be equal with men? Don't you want to be treated for what you're worth? I'm sorry, I am not content with being treated as less of a person because of my sex. That is NOT going to fly with me.
I am a young woman getting her education to do good in the world and that good will not be hindered by some misogynistic society that tells me I can't because I'm a female. Not all feminists are extremists. Not all of us believe that we are greater than men, we believe that we are equal.
Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the whole explanation of us being built differently. Yes, men tend to be more stronger than women. However, the quality of a person, and their value should not be based on strength. It should be based on way more than that.
We all know about the wage gap between men and women. Men get paid more than women for doing the exact same job. According to , women earn roughly 79 cents to a man's dollar. The breakdown goes a lot deeper into stating that,
" Hispanic and African American women working full time and year round earned just 55 cents and 60 cents respectively, for every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men"
Also the fact that the wage gap perpetuates itself in all different racial/ethnic groups:
- Asian women earned 81 cents for every dollar earned by Asian men.
- Black women earned 82 cents for every dollar earned by black men.
- Hispanic women earned 88 cents for every dollar earned by Hispanic men.
- White, non-Hispanic women earned 75 cents for every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men.
WHAT?! I don't know about you Miss Gina Davis but, I'm not cool with that. I am not content with making less than a man because I'm a woman. If I'm doing the exact same job, I should be making the exact same amount of money. Why are we seen as less than based on how we were born? I can't help the fact that I was born female and now I have to suffer inequalities over it? Give me a break.
Please do not hide your ignorance behind your historical facts.
"And while I can understand the concern in regard to money and women making statistically less than men do, let’s consider some historical facts. If we think about it, women branching out into the workforce is still relatively new in terms of history. Up until about the '80s or so, many women didn’t work as much as they do now (no disrespect to the women that did work to provide for themselves and their families—you go ladies!). We are still climbing the charts in 2016. Though there is still considered to be a glass ceiling for the working female, it’s being shattered by the perseverance and strong mentality of women everywhere. So, let’s stop blaming men and society about how we continue to “struggle” and praise the female gender for working hard to make a mark on today’s workforce. We’re doing a kick-ass job, let’s stop the complaining."
I get that in terms of history, working women is something new, but that doesn't excuse the behavior. That doesn't excuse why we should get paid less for doing the EXACT SAME THING. Please do not hide your ignorance behind what you deem to be progress.
"First of all, this is the 21st century. Women have never been more respected. Women have more rights in the United States than anywhere else in the world."
First of Don't get me wrong here, I understand that women have made progress throughout the years. I won't deny that at all. However, there is still more progress to be made. Rape culture is still a very real and threatening thing. Don't believe me?
Now everyone has their opinions on Donald Trump and this article is not meant to be political. However, the "Grab em by the p***y" comment is 100% part of the problem. This perpetuates rape culture, it allows men to think that women are just sexual objects. Now I know that all men do not think that way. That is why the "locker room" and "all men talk like that" excuse is wrong.
The people who pass off his comments as such help, whether they notice it or not, perpetuate rape culture. Young men like Brock Turner come about and they get told that what they did is okay. It is NOT okay. As a woman, I shouldn't have to live in fear that I might get raped. Men don't have the same level of fear. I know that rape happens to both men and women and we should discuss both sides and stop it for both sides. However, rape isn't around the corner for men as it is for women. I shouldn't fear walking down the street at night, or watching what I wear because some guy MIGHT get turned on during class.
I don't understand how, nor do I want to understand at this point, how someone can sit there and write an article and either not know the facts or purposely ignore them. To sit there and bash one's sex. The overall feeling of that article was like "you got a little bit so get over it." No! Yes I can wear pants, yes I can vote and work, but I'm still being disrespected and I will fight for what is right until I can't fight anymore.
Now, no one has to agree with me or change their opinions on feminism. However, I wanted facts to be put out there. Next time you write an article like this, research and fact check yourself.