All the time I’m using the excuse, I am so sorry, I’m too busy. Whether it is for my 16 credit hour class load, my organizations, or my work, I am busy. I’m always busy. But when I think about it, I’ve always been busy.
The other day in my bible study, my minister said that busy is bad. Busy is the cultural expectation set by society for others to “always be busy.” Our society prides us in always being a busy bee and if you’re not, then what are you doing with your life? I am just as guilty at pressing judgment to others who “aren’t as busy as me,” and that is wrong. Why are we constantly being so negative, so stressed, so anxious?
Why are we allowing our days to start at 8 am, go to class until 11, work from 12 to 7, meetings, gym, and studies until 1 am just to get up and do it all over again? We feel that society needs us to be busy, to be stressed, to juggle more and more. Why don’t we stop what we’re doing and just enjoy the sunshine or the blessings of God?
In the Bible, we have multiple examples of what being busy is and how we can advert that “busy.” For example, 1 John 2:17 states, “And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” Are we focusing? Are we being servants of God properly? Why don’t we focus more on Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all who are labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Let's focus on what’s important; let’s do what is necessary and what is holy and good. Let’s stop the stressing. As in Psalms, ”Do not toil to acquire wealth; be discerning enough to desist.” Is what you’re doing in your daily life being a positive influence on your relationship with the Lord? Or are you too busy to make time for the one who loved you so much he gave his only son to save the world?
Stop using busy as an excuse. This goes for me, this goes for you, and this goes for your mindset. What kind of excuses are you letting ruin or eliminate your daily free time? What are you going to do to change and simplify your life?