We are all there at some point; you are sitting in class and your phone lights up, and it's your boyfriend. Instantly, your entire day gets better, all because one person texted you. That's how I was for a year and a half, and then, four days after prom, everything changes. You no longer have the person who was your best friend, your confidant, the one person you can trust. Now, you can't even walk down the hallways in your school without knowing that people are talking about your recent, shocking break up. Trust me, I would normally be one of them. But now, it is different, because it's you they are talking about, and you know what they are saying, all the things they think happened between you and your person, to put it into Grey's Anatomy terms. But how could they know, if you don't even know your self why he up and walked out of your life, but you just have to hope that one day, he will find his way back to you. However, deep down, you always knew that wouldn't happen, just a small little part told you that he had slipped through your fingers forever. But when he shows you his true colors, you will be happy. When he calls you horrible names, uses personal issues and insecurities against you, and when he drags other people into your messy, unbearable break up, you will be happy. Maybe it took getting broken for you to realize that you are an amazing person, and you don't need anyone to love you or tell you that you are pretty, because you are beautiful, and better off. I know it doesn't seem like it will get better, but there is always tomorrow. When you are upset, or jealous by seeing him with the girl who drove a wedge between you two, just remember that you are going places, you are going to do something amazing, and change people's lives in the process. I know, its hard, especially since you devoted your life to this person for so long, but there will be other people who will change you forever. Until you find that person, enjoy life. Do more things with your family, you have limited time with them. Hang out with your friends, you don't know when they will leave. Go on crazy adventures, you won't have any stories if you don't. Next, remember to thank the boy who broke you, because of him, you realize just how amazing you are, and someone who would EVER think about hurting you, he is NOT the boy for you. And most importantly, remember, that you have to love yourself first. You are the person that should come first, don't sacrifice your happiness for someone else. As Cristina Yang would say, "he is not the sun, you are." So, thank you, for breaking my heart, and making me realize just who I am, and I'm not done becoming who I am meant to be.
RelationshipsMay 21, 2017
I Am A Better Me Without You
i am better without you, and thank you for helping me realize that