I am ashamed.
Not of myself, but of others. I am ashamed of my peers, my college, and my country. I have never been in so much disbelief after Donald J. Trump became our president-elect and not for the reasons that you are hearing about on the news. Let me break it down for you:
Donald J. Trump won the 2016 election. I do not remember a time that I was so happy, excited, thrilled, and hopeful for our country. I have never been a fan of Obama. I believe that he was not a good president for the first 4 years and he also was not a good president for the second 4 years. But my life went on. I knew people that were directly affected by his poor decision making, I was affected by his poor decision making, and people that I don’t know were affected by his poor decision making. I will give this to him, he had a great speech writer and knew what to say to a crowd in times of need, but that wasn’t good enough for me. I could see through all the B.S. that was being thrown our countries way, but hey, life goes on.
This concept has been a part of my life since I was born. I didn’t get everything that I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, my parents gave me everything I needed and taught me everything I know, but I had to work for things. I was taught to not take handouts, I was taught to be self-sufficient and I was told that sometimes things don’t go my way. When I was younger if I threw a fit in store, my mom took me out of the store. Today, while I am growing up, I do not expect other people to take responsibility for me, I don’t expect people to pay for me or let me get my way because of my skin color, ethnic background, or religious beliefs.
Let me continue. While I am a white, republican, female and this might seem “unbelievable” or “impossible” to some people, but, I am being discriminated against. This election has put me in fear of my life. As a VCU student, I am surrounded by people that are protesting about Trump. They are saying terrible things about America, Trump, the electoral college, and anyone who voted for or wants to support him. Richmond, the city that I have grown up in, is now being completely ruined. Monuments that represent major historical events are being vandalized. This is bad enough, but the things being written are unthinkable. While I understand the idea of a protest, this is not that and quite frankly this isn’t a reason to do so. These acts are riots. I don’t remember any riots after Obama was elected for two terms. And yes, I know what you’re going to say “there was no reason to protest”. If there was no reason then, then there is no reason now.
The media is making Donald Trump seem like a racist, misogynistic man who wants to ban the LGBT community from equality and wants to support rapists. This isn’t the case, though. He has given statements embracing the LGBT community—the most from any conservative president yet. He is not racist—he had a black man on his campaign team. He does not mind immigrants—as long as they are legal (I have included some links that support this at the bottom of this article). Yes, Trump has said some terrible things, and that isn’t okay, but there isn’t any reason to exaggerate the facts. I have said some terrible things in my life, especially in personal conversation and I can’t imagine having the entire United States of America hear personal conversations that I have had. Trump gave up his billionaire lifestyle to make America great again, but no one is giving him a chance. People are not willing to go with something that they don’t know and they are letting the media shut down any idea of change. If Hillary Clinton had won the election it would have been more of the same or worse and that isn’t working. Trump is not trying to ruin anything, he is trying to help, but people will not let him.
Liberals are butt-hurt because they got outsmarted at their own game. Liberals are all about self-love and accepting everyone, but only when it suits them. They are accepting of a black community and an LGBT community so why can’t you accept a republican community? The American people have spoken (in the electoral college and the popular vote). Just because I am a straight, republican, white woman who believes in God, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be respected. While I understand that other groups have been discriminated against, I don’t think that it is a contest to see if all types of people can be disrespected.
This election has made me stand up for myself more than I ever thought I would have to. I have lost friends and co-workers over this election and I have been scared to walk on my own college campus, but I am not bowing down. I am going to support Trump; I want the borders to be closed to ILLEGAL immigrants, I want to be able to keep my second amendment right to bear arms, and I want small government. I want America to be able to stand up for itself; have the country and the people in it stop taking handouts. I will be helping to “Make America Great Again”.