I am fearful. I am dejected. Mostly, I am angry. I am watching what appears to be my world falling apart. It is infuriating to watch and be helpless.
Maybe it’s always been like this, racism here and there and everywhere and prejudice just seeping through everyone pores. But somehow, I don’t think it was. I don’t think our world, in my lifetime, has ever been so torn because of religion, race, sexuality, gender. This year alone we’ve had a shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Florida. Muslims being bombed in their holy month of Ramadan by Isis, but then all Muslims are terrorists, right? Black men and women fearing for their lives daily because racism exists and so does white privilege. More outrage from non-trans people over the fact that transgender people have been using the same bathrooms as them forever. How is this acceptable? All of these things are fueled by hatred. All of them. Be it prejudice against a persons religion or racism, or trans-phobia and homophobia.
We are not born hating others for these reasons, so why do so many people around the world, not just America, have these ideas and why are they allowed to continue to promote these hateful ways? It doesn’t make sense to me and I assume it never will because I was raised to respect everyone until they prove they deserve otherwise. Even still, a bad person is a bad person whether they are brown, black, white, purple, blue, gay, straight, transgender, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. To look at a person of color or of a different religion and think, “I’m better than you because I’m ______ and _______,” is a HORRIBLE way to think and be. HOW can you determine a persons worth based on what they look like, what god they pray to, or who they love?
Just the other day I read a post on Twitter where it explains how to help someone being targeted by racist and ignorant comments. It explains that, especially in the UK right now, people will target others, predominately women wearing Hijabs, and spew hateful, vile comments at them. Instead of confronting the person being hateful, something I would love to do, it said to approach the target and sit next to them and talk to them, basically taking their attention away from the person being hateful. It says eventually the person will get bored and give up. I thought this was incredible to know because I would be quick to jump and confront the hateful person. But how sad is it that we have to learn how to deal with such hateful, ignorant, racist people? It’s just not acceptable.
Another story making headlines here in the US is the KKK making a comeback... so are we in 2016 or the 60s? People still deny white privilege exists, yet they condem “all black people” for being thugs. How does that add up? As a white women, I can walk down the street and people won’t be fearful of me, I’ll never be called a thug. That is privilege. If I were to get pulled over, reaching for my license in my pocket will not mean that I end up dead. That’s privilege. I don’t wear a hijab, it’s not my religion or culture therefore I’ll never get called a terrorist by some ignorant person on a bus. That’s privilege. If I’m in a bar and I’m kissing a boy, I won’t get jumped, but if two guys kissed, their may well get jumped. That’s privilege.
I’m angry. I’m hurt. I’m scared. I’m angry because people are spreading hate like it is free money. I’m hurt because no one wants to listen to people who tell them they’re wrong. I’m scared because my black, Muslim and gay friends do not get the same treatment I get as a white, Christian, straight woman. It makes me so sad that I have to live in a world where I have to fear for my friends lives because they aren’t looked at as equal.
The most I can do is use that privilege I spoke of and help them. Be a voice for them or stand in alliance with them while they speak of the issues plaguing them. I am an ally to those who people continue to be oppressed. I’m angry at those who allow this oppression to continue and to strengthen. This has to change. I do not want to raise my children in a world and country that allows such actions to be the norm.
It’s time to make a change.