January 20, 2017. The day that everyone lost their mind over because Donald Trump swore into office as the 45th President of the United States of America. Breaking windows. Protesting on the streets. Parties outside of officials houses just because they can.
Congratulations!You are using your freedom of speech, but America literally lost their mind as soon as he became a final candidate against Hillary Clinton. Maybe even before that since he was on the ballot as he was nominated for the running.
Before this election even started, what did you know about Trump? For myself, all I knew was that he loved telling jokes and being the joke of any jokes!
We all make mistakes and we all say things that we either truly mean or are taken out of proportions. We do actions that hold us accountable even if they happened days, months, or even years ago! So he said some comments in the past about and during his campaign that made him sound stupid and not capable of running this country? So a couple of his companies went bankrupt, you jump to conclusions that he is going to bankrupt the US government? You know you are already trillions in debt right? I just wanted to check in case you didn't.
You don't see me rioting, breaking things, and causing chaos in the streets by this man being elected president. Its assumed that I should be because since I am an African American and a female in this country.
Well, today I am saying: I am giving Donald Trump a chance at being president for 4 years.
Did I want him to win the election? Not really.
Did I want Hilary to win the election? Not really.
Did you want Obama to win the election? Not really.
Except when Obama got elected 8 years ago, there was barely ANY riots that occurred when he was running AND after he got elected. Yes there were some but I mean do we really remember them? No because there weren't that many and causing so many issues.
I am not HUGE into politics and I probably never will be, but for this election I was willing to give it a try because so much hate was going around that it seemed like no one was listening to a single thing he has said.
Yes, he signed the papers and on his first day there were some documents that were taken down from the White House Website. Some weremoved over to another location (yes, they were moved not taken away!) He has barely stepped foot into office yet you are blaming him for the riots and burning of the buildings when in reality - YOU had the free will do it and you did.
Stop blaming him for becoming president. US CITIZENS voted him into office and elected officials followed those rules that put him in office. If you want to point the blame, just don't do it. SO MANY PEOPLE are being so negative that we need to give him a chance at least instead of looking for the tiniest thing wrong in him when all he did was swore in and signed papers.
Being negative to a man who only talked the talk but hasn't walked the walk won't solve any issues or problems.