For my whole life, I have been criticized by my friends and family about my personality. Don't get me wrong, these critics are in no way rude, but they bother me from time to time.
"Why are you so nervous? Stop watching Grey's Anatomy and come out with us! You need to calm down. Why are you so crazy?"
These are all comments and questions that I have heard multiple times throughout my life.
I started to wonder, why am I categorized into these two vastly different groups of a quiet introvert and an outgoing extrovert? Shouldn't I only be in one?
Friday nights, for me, range from fraternity parties and concerts all the way to a girls night and catching up on the latest American Horror Story.
Most of my friends think there is something wrong when I don't want to go out. They respond, "What is the matter? Why don't you want to come out with us? Did we do something to upset you?"
Then, I stumbled upon a quiz on BuzzFeed. The name made it irresistible to click on: What Percentage Introvert Or Extrovert Are You? My first thought was that in a matter of seconds I will finally have a clear image of who I am.
After 19 questions, my result was that I am 0% extrovert and 0% introvert; I am an Ambivert.
An Ambivert is someone who shares qualities of both introversion and extroversion.
I finally found my answer. I have a reason for why I am like this.
After the quiz, my whole viewpoint on the subject is seen as a scale, rather than two categories everyone must be placed into.
Everyone is different; Some feel comfortable in certain situations that others might not. There are things such as extroverted introverts and introverted extroverts.
No one should be judged on their want to go road tripping on a Tuesday night or their need to stay home and catch up on the latest and greatest of KUWTK.
Everyone is different and shouldn't be forced to do things they don't want to do.
You should embrace your personality type, as well as your friends' personalities.
Maybe staying home on a Friday night once in a while isn't such a bad thing!