Why Is Alyssa Milano Ignoring Tara Reade's Joe Biden's Sexual Assault Accusation? | The Odyssey Online
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If You're Confused Why Alyssa Milano Is Ignoring Biden's Sexual Assault Accusation, Me Too

In a long Twitter thread posted on April 1, Milano again solidified her support for Biden.

If You're Confused Why Alyssa Milano Is Ignoring Biden's Sexual Assault Accusation, Me Too

Alyssa Milano has been an outspoken "#MeToo" activist. She was part of Time's 2017 Person of the Year group "The Silence Breakers." And yet, regarding a sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden by Tara Reade, Milano has been silent, instead tweeting her support of the presidential candidate.

In a long Twitter thread posted on April 1, Milano again solidified her support for Biden.

Milano has not yet mentioned the substance of the accusations against Biden. This is a woman who is credited with practically starting the Me Too movement with a single tweet supporting something a friend sent her saying, "If you've been sexually harassed or assaulted write 'me too' as a reply to this tweet."

That tweet helped to start a movement that would take down some of the most powerful men in Hollywood, was on the frontlines in the accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh with the slogan "I Believe Survivors," and continues to give women who have been assaulted and silenced the chance to speak up.

That same solidarity seems to be lost with Tara Reade who has spoken up against Biden, however, and we have to wonder why.

To support a presidential candidate without acknowledging the whole story is something that was most recently seen during the campaign of Donald Trump for president. When he took the nomination, the many accusations against him became all but been forgotten in the national eye.

For someone like Milano — who is urging people to vote to upend a presidency that in so many ways has silenced people like Tara Reade and was instrumental in starting the Me Too movement — to not address the allegations against Biden is both questionable and dangerous.

The fact that she has not spoken up about the allegations makes her complicit in the silencing of people she claims to believe: survivors.

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