Aly Raisman's Powerful Statement To Larry Nassar | The Odyssey Online
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10 Quotes From Aly Raisman's Court Statement That Larry Nassar Can Read For The Next 40 To 175 Years

"Your Honor, I ask you to give Larry the strongest possible sentence, which his actions deserve."

aly raisman court statement

On Friday, January 19, Olympic Gold Medalist Aly Raisman gave a powerful statement about her experiences with the sexual assault executed by Olympic doctor Larry Nassar. At some points, she even addressed the physician. Here are some of her most powerful statements that in my opinion, could make millions of women feel empowered.

1. "Larry, you do realize now that we, this group of women you so heartlessly abused over such a long period of time, are now a force and you are nothing. The tables have turned, Larry. We are here. We have our voices, and we are not going anywhere. And now, Larry, it's your turn to listen to me."

2. "I am here to face you, Larry, so you can see I've regained my strength, that I am no longer a victim, I am a survivor. I am no longer that little girl you met in Australia where you first began grooming and manipulating."

3. "Imagine feeling like you have no power and no voice. Well, you know what, Larry? I have both power and voice and I am only beginning to just use them."

4. "All these brave women have power and we will use our voices to make sure you get what you deserve — a life of suffering spent replaying the words delivered by this powerful army of survivors."

5. "You already know you're going away to a place where you won't be able to hurt anybody ever again. But I am here to tell you that I will not rest until every last trace of your influence on this sport has been destroyed like the cancer it is."

6. "To believe in the future of gymnastics is to believe in change. But how are we to believe in change when these organizations aren't even willing to acknowledge the problem?"

7. "At the 2016 Olympic games, the president of the USOC said that the USOC would not conduct an investigation and even defended USA Gymnastics as one of the leaders in developing policies to protect athletes. That's the response a courageous woman gets when she speaks out? And when others joined those athletes and began speaking out with more stories of abuse, were they acknowledged? No. It is like being abused all over again."

8. "So, at this point, talk is worthless to me. We're dealing with real lives in the future of our sport. We need to believe this won't happen again."

9. "For this sport to go on, we need to demand real change, and we need to be willing to fight for it."

10. "If we are to believe in change, we must first understand the problem and everything that contributed to it. Now is not the time for false reassurances."

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