Why I Will Always Love Harry Potter
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Why I Will Always Love Harry Potter

It isn't just for kids.

Why I Will Always Love Harry Potter
Harry Potter Wiki

"Yer a wizard, Harry."

I read my first Harry Potter book in 3rd grade. Ever since, I have been captivated by both the film and book series, re-reading them every summer when I'm on break from school. I get goosebumps whenever I hear the theme from the movies played. The bindings on my copy "Goblet of Fire" and "Order of the Phoenix" are so worn, they are very close to falling apart. My love for this magical world is deeply rooted in my childhood. It was as if I went to Hogwarts with Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys. From Harry's 11th birthday, all the way to the final battle at Hogwarts, I felt like I was really there. As a child, I fantasized about being a witch and going to Hogwarts (I was only a little extremely disappointed when I didn't receive a letter on my 11th birthday). However, I believe I appreciate the series more the older I get.

As an adult (I'm still not used to calling myself that), I am able to recognize the huge role that the Harry Potter books played in my life and how much I learned from them.The series wasn't about shooting sparks out of wands and pulling rabbits out of hats; in fact, the same themes could be used without mentioning magic and it would still be just as powerful. Nothing irritates me more than when someone calls Harry Potter a "childrens' series." It is actually quite mature, transcending all age groups and nationalities. J.K. Rowling wove a beautiful story of love, friendship, coming of age, life and death. The things she taught me through those seven books have shaped the person I am.

Harry taught me that friendship is more important than any amount of gold or material possessions. James and Lily taught me that there are causes worth dying for. Hermione taught me that your background does not define you. Ron taught me about loyalty. The Malfoys taught me that many people are motivated to do very bad things out of fear for their family, making them not so different from ourselves.

Fred and George taught me that I should always find the humor in any situation. The Dursleys taught me that abuse isn't always physical. Hagrid taught me to love all creatures, regardless of appearance. Sirius taught me to live my life to the fullest. Remus Lupin taught me that disabilities don't define a person, their character does.

Dumbledore taught me that there are worse things in the world than death. Tom Riddle taught me that no matter how smart, talented and ambitious you are, you are doomed without love. Luna taught me anything is possible. Severus Snape taught me the power of love and loss.

All of these things, I learned through Harry Potter. Like any dedicated Potterhead, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my pre-ordered copy of "Cursed Child," starving to go on new adventures with characters that feel like family. Whenever I re-read the series, I instantly become calmer and more relaxed, like greeting an old friend. I am not ashamed to say I am a twenty-one year-old senior in college who owns a wand that chose her at Universal, and I never will be.

Let us rejoice in discovering the next chapter of the Potter odyssey and be proud to be Potterheads, no matter our age.

Happy Birthday Harry.

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