People live by the saying, "Always hope for the best while expecting the worst", and it's never made much sense.
How can someone legitimately hope for the best while expecting the worst? It's not scientifically possible if you think about it. Unless you enjoy your mind being an absolute disaster 99% of the time.
Lets look at these words by definition:
Hope: (transitive and intransitive verb) 1 Confident of desires. 2 Likelihood of success. 3 Wish or desire. 4 Source of success
Expect: ex·pect (verb) 1 To confidently believe something. 2 Wait for anticipated thing. 3 Demand something right or duty.
"Always hope for the best while expecting the worst."
Each of these definitions are almost the exact same. You only contradict your mind into believing that it can't have what it wants.
The Law of Attraction-What you think about is what you bring about
It's very easy to look in the mirror and think to yourself, "I'm not good looking." Or maybe failing a final that pushes you back yet another semester and telling yourself, "I'll never make it out to where I want to be."
It's hard sometimes to tell ourselves that we are good enough for certain aspects of life that just don't seem to be happening right now the way we want them too. The good news is, you're able to turn around and have everything you could ever want in your entire life or just throughout the day- by controlling the thoughts that go on throughout your head.
Step 1. Hope and Expect the best
Eliminate the negative thoughts about not being ale to achieve something you want. Think of something you want to accomplish within the next few days. Whether that includes making a little extra cash, or passing an old friend you've seemed to loose touch with.
Think positively about the specific things you want to happen and focus on them so much that you legitimately feel control over them. It's important to remember that these thoughts you expect to happen are measurable enough to be achievable.
Start small. You can't expect to see your friend Channing Tatum in three days just because he signed a poster for you back in 5th grade. Just like you cant expect to have a million dollars in your hand next week when you're only sitting on $2.50 in your bank account. Maybe start by trying to attract your favorite meal!
All you have to do is expect that it will happen, and it will happen. Don't second guess yourself.
Step 2. Visualize what you want to happen
Visualize the specific amount of money you want to be in your hands within the next few days or week, say $10. We're starting small, remember? Visualize the specific friend you want to see and rekindle a friendship with, try someone you were close with in high school or at the beginning of college. Visualize the taste, smell and specific attributes of your favorite dish. Hope and expect that by the end of the day/week you will achieve what you want.
This sounds crazy, but thinking about what was discussed before- hoping for the best but expecting the worst, who's crazy again?
Step 3. Know that setbacks will happen and eliminate what holds you back
Not everything is supposed to go your way throughout the day. This is where expectancy gets messy; where most tend to turn around or just stay put and settle with what they've already achieved. It is important to realize that you're meant to fail sometimes to see how bad you want specific things, people, jobs. A negative plus a negative will always continue to be negative.
Instead of expecting the worst, why not expect the best?
Learn to let people go. Friends, relatives, things, relationships, jobs- anything that doesn't want you to have what you want. This is about you and your life, don't forget that. That boss that's been hounding you to do your job correctly- when you've been trying your best. That significant other or friend that continues to nag about irrelevant things. A family member that never lets you forget that you'll never be good enough. Forget them and thank me later.
Step 4. Stay patient
The hardest part about achieving your desires is continually believing that you can. Understanding that what may not be happening right now, may not be happening because you're not ready for it. Building a backbone and the right mind for jobs, situations and people is what you're molding yourself for. Keep moving forward, and don't turn around.
Control what you can- your mind, your body, your soul. Let be what you can't- other people and things.