Why I’ll always prefer a physical copy of a book over an e-reader is simple. I like the way holding a book in my hands feel or turning the pages as I get sucked deeper and deeper into the story. There is an intimate nature of reading from a physical book that an e-reader can’t give you. As your eyes devour the words on the page you become transported to another world. There’s no harsh glow from the backlight just you, the words, and the story.
Now, I have nothing against e-readers, I have used them before and they do have their benefits. But they make reading feel so impersonal and static. You read the story not how the author intended it but how it becomes translated into the programming. With that they do have some pros; like lower prices for books, they take up less space, or being able to read at any time of day (provided the battery is fully charged).
However, being able to run my fingertips over the spines of all those books and see the different titles and authors has always appealed to me. Tying to decipher how a person organizes their books, by color or genre or their favorites first, can really only be done by seeing them first hand. A physical collection can tell you a lot about a person and with it on display they can share it with others. It becomes a piece of artwork how they display their books, a peak into how they think and feel.
I like having a physical book, whether it is a hardback or paperback because you can see how much it was loved by the condition of its spine and pages. Yeah, some people might say that a worn spine and bent pages suggests that the owner doesn’t care much for their belongings but, it shows that they read it enough times for it to start to fall open at their favorite moments. And that’s what matters, being able to relive the best memories from your favorite books at any point in your life.
And personally, I think that the best part of having a physical book to hold is the smell. Just opening a book to a random page and inhaling the smell of paper and ink can take you back in time to your favorite times reading. The feeling I get when I inhale the smell of the pages is that I am home. It makes me feel cozy and peaceful, like I’m bundled in blankets with a cup of hot tea sitting in the biggest chair reading from my favorite novel.
All our lives we are told and told again to read books. All throughout school and in everyday life from friends and parents. Some books we get to choose to read and some we are told to. The greatest thing is that when you get to choose for yourself there is an endless supply of books to pick from. Just walk into any book store and there are countless stories waiting be read. Choosing which one to read first can be difficult but it can also be a fun challenge for you.
Deciding to keep picking up the physical book over the e-reader is for a simple reason. Holding the book and turning the pages, seeing the words across the page is something I love. Reading from a physical book is an experience that I won’t forget anytime soon.