Everyone has that optimistic, advice giver, go to, or stable friend that seems to always have it together. You can rely on them to make your day a little brighter or be a good listener when you've had a rough day.
This happy friend is often over looked by others. I believe people just assume they're okay all the time and they never deal with anything.
They aren't vocal about their own issues because they probably don't feel like their issues are as important after hearing about everyone else's. People also just assume this friend is okay and just happy go lucky 24/7. First, this isn't realistic for anyone. Everyone has bad days, but those "happy" friends are just could be better at hiding it.
This role in a friend group can also feel like a constant characteristic trait that you can't turn off. When they are having a bad day, people notice and are completely shocked. This can happen when they don't have that smile on their face or aren't looking at the bright side of every situation. People expect a certain attitude and when you aren't able to deliver, you can feel guilty.
It seems like, bad days just aren't allowed for them. They see the difference in attitude, but that seems to be the only thing they focus on. Instead of saying negative comment like "wow, you're really crabby today" or "what's wrong with you," replace it with "do you need to talk about something" or "are you okay, you don't seem like yourself."
I know what you're thinking. Why doesn't that "happy" friend just ask or bring it up their problems like everyone else? Well, if it was that easy, they probably would have. They don't want to feel like another weight on people's shoulders, when they know they're going through something. After being the person who always hears what's going on in other peoples lives, it's easy to compare and assume their issues aren't as "important."
Those "happy" friends, need happy friends too.