I grew up in the pageant field, I loved the whole process, well most of it at least… I remember the thrill that came in elementary school when my teacher would announce to the class that she had pageant sign ups and if anyone would like a form to come see her. The secrets and small talk began immediately. All around the room one little girl after another began whispering in their best friends ear… “Are you doing the pageant?” they would ask. Each little girl considered the thought and informed their best friend. Eventually, recess rolled around and by the end of the hour the whole second grade knew who was considering participating.
After discussing the matter with our parents, and informing them on every single reason in the book why we needed to do the pageant, the final decision was made. If your parents agreed, that’s when the fun stuff began: the search for the perfect outfit, bow and shoes, and of course contacting the “hair lady” to make an appointment for hair and makeup. Going back to school after these decisions were made was the hardest; everyone wanted to know what you were wearing, and who was doing your hair. The thought of your mom making you promise not to tell a soul any of the information was constantly on your mind; it had to be kept a secret.
We counted down the days until the big day; the day where we got our makeup done and our hair fixed fixed to a T. In our little eyes it was the greatest day of the year, and in our mama’s eyes we were the prettiest little thing that ever walked this Earth. When the time came to finally take your three-minute walk on stage, our hearts were beating through our chest and our tummies were doing flips. Fears of tripping, walking to fast, or messing up enriched our minds; we wanted to look perfect in every way- that’s where the problems came in.
During the whole process we discussed with our friends and family that the pageant was just for fun. We continued to tell the ones around us and ultimately remind ourselves that it was okay if we didn’t win as long as we had fun while doing it. While this is still true, the longing to have that crown be placed on your head in front of all your screaming fans in the audience is a desire to be had by all. I remember the looks of disappointment on my face and the ones around me as the names of other’s were called; we cheered for them, but as soon as the curtains closed the feelings of not being pretty enough came creeping out from hiding. This reality is heartbreaking; the fact that such a heavy burden to feel beautiful begins at such a young age.
As girls we all have the longing to feel beautiful. We each want to look good, so that we feel good. We want the approval of others so that we can get the crown or the most Instagram likes. We cling to the world for these words of affirmation, when the only true words of affirmation are the words that come from our Father; the perfect Father that created us in His own image. He tells us to not let our adornment be merely outward, but let it be hidden in the heart. The beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit is the beauty we should seek out. We should strive to be beautiful, but we should strive in a way that is honoring to the Lord and to those around us.
The Lord tells us that charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain. Ladies, there will come a day when our bodies won’t fit the worlds standards (as if they already do), our hair will turn grey, and wrinkles will become part of our every day lives. The only thing that should capture our upmost attention in the aspect of beauty is our heart. A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. When we are old and the body we work so hard for is gone, what will our heart say? Will it still love and encourage those around you? Will it still find joy in the simple things of life because of the joy that we can find in our Creator? Will it be beautiful?
Cleaning ourselves up, and looking presentable is a good thing, don't get me wrong. The problems come in when these things become our main focus. We shouldn’t idolize our looks; we should respect our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Lord dwells in your body, therefore, we should work to keep it mobile and healthy so it can be used by Him. The Bible tells us that we were bought at a price, which obligates us to glorify God in our body and in our spirit. Is your heart glorifying the Lord; the words that you say and the actions you make? Is your understanding of beauty honoring to the Lord? Are you seeking approval from man or God?