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10 Alternative Rock Bands You've Probably Never Heard Of But Should

A genre of music that's typically overlooked unless you can hear it on the radio that deserves more of a voice.

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If you're in any way like me, you tire of the radio easily. They play the same music over and over again and pretty much dictate what you're going to listen to whenever you're in the car. Pop music can get so repetitive and so annoying as some sound very similar. There's so much music in the world, just waiting to be discovered. There are so many genres of music, so many subgenres, that it's easy to get lost. Never fear, I'm here to help.

Here are ten artists who have something to say--ten artists that perhaps you never heard of, but you definitely should.

1. "As It Is"

"As It Is" is a British pop-punk (or "emo" as some will characterize them) band from Brighton, England. They formed in 2012, and since have released four EPs, and three full-length albums, the last of which, entitled "The Great Depression," released in August 2018, has made waves in the alternative music scene. The album centers on a man named The Poet, who struggles with depression and is faced with two sides: life, as presented by his wife, and death, as presented by the reaper, or the devil.

The second single off the album, "The Stigma (Boys Don't Cry)," addressed the reality of toxic masculinity, presenting the band as a force against it. The song as recently got the band featured in the New York Times, and the album as a whole led them to win Rock Sound's Power of Music award. The band was also recently featured on "Good Morning San Diego." The band's unfiltered honesty is what makes them stand out the most--there is nothing they aren't too afraid to talk about, and that sort of honesty in the music industry is incredibly refreshing.

"As It Is" also participated in Hopeless Record's compilation record "Songs That Saved My Life," which raised money for mental health awareness, with their cover of Postal Service's "Such Great Heights."

"As It Is" is currently on tour in the US with Sharptooth, Point North, and Hold Close, and are partnered with A Voice for the Innocent to raise money for victims of sexual violence.

Check out their newest music video for their song "The Fire, The Dark."

2. "Against The Current"

"Against the Current" is an American pop rock band based out of New York. Since their formation in 2011, they have released four EPs and two full-length studio albums. Their most recent album, "Past Lives" was released in September 2018, which earned them the cover of Rock Sound. The album covers everything from toxic relationships, to dealing with the death of a close friend, to defying trends, to learning to listen to your own voice and ignore everyone else's, to their take on the pressure on girls to look pretty all the time, to learning to give yourself a "Friendly Reminder."

"Against the Current" is touring in the US starting at the end of March. In the meantime, check out their newest music video for their song "The Fuss."

3. "Waterparks"

"Waterparks" is an American pop punk band from Houston, Texas. Since forming in 2011, they have released three EPs and two full-length albums, all of which follow alphabetical order. Their newest album, "Entertainment," was released in January 2018, and saw two US headlining tours, plus a spot on the lineup for the last-ever cross-country Vans Warped Tour, in which they partnered with three charities, Keep A Breast, Hope For The Day and To Write Love On Her Arms, and an opening spot on One OK Rock's upcoming US headlining tour. This album cycle has seen the lead singer and rhythm guitarist Awsten Knight be named Rock Sound's Most Fearless Figure in the alternative music scene.

He also has his own hair dye, and started his own podcast with his friend Travis Riddle called "Awsten and Travis' Slumber Party" on Idobi Radio. "Waterparks" have never been afraid to step out of the box and take on things that seem unusual to outsiders, as seen by Awsten's appearance on the news as Kyle Fletchers, as well as his fake rap album, and the selfies with trash bins he sent in to Rock Sound from Warped Tour. They're always devising a new sound that comes with something new to say, and, as evident in "TANTRUM," they aren't afraid to call people out in the process.

"Waterparks" hits the road with One OK Rock and Stand Atlantic in February. Until then, check out their music video for "Peach (Lobotomy)" that was filmed during the course of Warped Tour.

4. "Boston Manor"

"Boston Manor" is a British pop-punk band from Blackpool, England. After forming in 2013, they've released three EPs and two full-length albums, their most recent of which, "Welcome to the Neighbourhood," was released in September 2018. The album was largely inspired by their hometown and the problems that are evident to them, such as poverty and its long history. It serves as a message to the youth without preaching about it, calling out the complacency and laziness of the youth, as well as dealing with the depression that seems to be more common in the younger generations. The album deals with darker territory than they had in the past, such as their single from the album "Halo" which deals with self-harm.

"Boston Manor" goes on tour opening for Movements along with Trash Boat and Drug Church in the US, beginning in April. In the meantime, check out their music video for their song "Bad Machine."

5. "State Champs"

"State Champs", an American pop punk band from Albany, New York, formed in 2010, and since has released four EPs and three full-length albums. Their latest album, "Living Proof" was released in June 2018, that saw the band adopt a different sound, due to their willingness to push the boundaries of what they could do in the studio. Their new album saw them on the cover of an issue of Rock Sound, as well as a spot on the line-up for the last ever cross-country Vans Warped Tour. They've got a wide range of songs that deal with a wide range of issues, such as growing up, moving on, finding the ability to let yourself go and stop taking everything so seriously, and the ever-classic topic of relationships.

"State Champs" head out on tour in March with the support of Our Last Night, The Dangerous Summer, and Grayscale. Until then, check out their latest music video for "Our Time to Go."

6. "A Day to Remember"

"A Day to Remember" is an American rock band from Ocala, Florida, who formed in 2003, and have since released six full-length albums, their most recent of which, "Bad Vibrations" was released in September 2016. They are known for their unusual blend of metalcore and pop punk. They established a music festival entitled Self Help Fest, which got its name because lead singer, Jeremy McKinnon's, girlfriend noticed that to their fans, their concerts are more than just a concert, and it genuinely is helping them, so they called their music festival that began in 2014 Self Help Fest "because at the end of the day, that's what music's all about," McKinnon said in an interview with ABC News Radio.

"A Day to Remember" currently only has one show on the books for 2019, Pa'l Norte Festival, in Mexico, but while waiting for potentially other shows to be announced, check out their newest music video for their song "We Got This."

7. "I Prevail"

"I Prevail" is a metalcore band from Southfield, Michigan. Since forming in 2013, the band has released one EP and one studio album, and have teased the release of a new album in 2019. They gained popularity through their cover of Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" in 2014 that was featured both on their EP "Heart Vs. Mind," as well as Fearless Record's "Punk Goes Pop Vol. 6." Their song "Alone" off their studio album "Lifelines" won Best Hard Rock Song of the Year at the Loudwire Music Awards. Their combination of clean and unclean vocals predominantly drive their sound.

"I Prevail" only has festival shows scheduled for 2019 at the moment, including Download Festival in Australia, Rock USA, and Rock Fest, both in Wisconsin. Until a tour is announced, check out I Prevail's music video for "Rise."

8. "From Ashes to New"

"From Ashes to New" is an American rock band formed in 2013 out of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Since their formation, they have released two EPs and two studio albums, the most recent being "The Future," which was released in April 2018. Their first single off that album, "Crazy," was written regarding stress and anxiety regarding a toxic situation that you feel you can't get away from, both in terms of a relationship, and also the difficulties the sole-remaining founding member of the band, Matt Brandyberry, went through as his friends and bandmates left the band. They are known for their combination of clean and unclean vocals, paired with Brandberry's rapping.

"From Ashes" to New currently only have scheduled festival appearances at Rock Fest and Rock USA, both in Wisconsin for the year. Until new dates are announced, check out their music video for their song "Broken."

9. "The Maine"

"The Maine" is an American rock band from Tempe, Arizona, that formed in 2007. Since their formation, they have released six full-length albums, and their seventh, entitled "You Are Okay" drops March 29, 2019. Since releasing their first single, "Numb Without You," off their upcoming album on January 15, the band has announced that the album is written for the fans, and the color aesthetic surrounds an underlying theme to be bold.

"The Maine" has also curated their own music festival, 8123 Fest, that began in 2018 and takes place in January in Phoenix, Arizona. They have also opened their own retail shop in Phoenix. "The Maine" is known for their close relationship with their fans, such as not charging for VIP meet and greets, rather just hanging around after shows to meet the people who have helped make everything happen for them. They are also calling everyone who preorders their upcoming album, thanking them for their support and leaving them with their well-wishes.

"The Maine" is going on tour in April with "Taking Back Sunday", and then headlining a tour in May with Grayscale as the opening band.

10. "Marianas Trench"

"Marianas Trench" is a Canadian pop rock band from Vancouver that formed in 2001, and have since released four studio albums, with their fifth, "Phantoms," releasing March 1, 2019. The band has written songs that deal with drug addiction as well as anorexia and bulimia--all of which are no stranger to lead singer, Josh Ramsay. After writing Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe," Ramsay wrote "Pop 101," which comically dissed the process of writing pop music. Marianas Trench is known for their title and closing tracks, the former being used to set the basis of the whole album, and the latter to wrap everything together, usually by referencing all the songs on the album by name.

Following their upcoming album, "Marianas Trench" is touring Canada in March, and the US in May. In preparation of "Phantoms," check out their first single from the album, "I Knew You When."

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