An Alternative Perspective on Greek Life at U of M | The Odyssey Online
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An Alternative Perspective on Greek Life at U of M

Doing good is doing well.

An Alternative Perspective on Greek Life at U of M

“Spoiled,” “destructive,” and “entitled” are just a few of the less than kind words that have been thrown around in the media recently in light of a fraternity event gone wrong a few weekends ago. These words have been used to describe the members of a specific fraternity, but also to describe University of Michigan Greek Life as a whole. While there are a variety of negative stereotypes of Greek Life perpetuated by those who are not members of Greek organizations, I would like to offer an alternative perspective to this so-called “destructive” institution.

Coming from a small high school, I was desperate to belong to some type of group or organization in college that would counteract the overwhelming-ness that accompanies attending a huge university. Further, I just wanted to find a great group of friends. For some, this means joining the Mock Trial team, or an acappella group, or a dance team or The Michigan Daily. For me, and for about 21% of our student body, the niche we found at this school was Greek Life.   

And through Greek Life, not only did I find a wonderful group of friends, but I was also afforded so many new opportunities, of which, I might not have been aware had I not joined a sorority. Want to be a member of a consulting group on campus? Just talk to this junior in your sorority; she will definitely help you with your resume. Want to give back? There are an infinite number of philanthropies that your sorority/fraternity has close ties with, for which they have devoted thousands of hours and raised thousands of dollars! Want to go abroad, but not sure where? Our sorority has created a website for members log their experiences from around the world.   

This list of positive elements of Greek Life goes on, including guidance on which classes to take, lasting relationships with distinguished alumni, and most importantly constant and unconditional of support of sisters/brothers. To non-members, on the surface, Greek Life might seem like a bunch of spoiled kids spending an inordinate amount of money on decorating for theme parties, but anyone who is involved can tell you that it is much, much more than that.     

Don’t get me wrong, there are aspects of Greek Life that I do think are destructive, such as the tier system and the potential danger of groupthink, but to say that Greek Life at Michigan is all bad is to ignore the many amazing things that Greek Life does for the University, for the world, and for the students involved.

I smiled proudly as I guided my little through initiation today. I did not feel ashamed for being involved in Greek Life because of the unfortunate decisions of a few fellow members. Instead, I felt delighted that she was becoming a part of something that, despite what seems to be the view of the media, can be truly a wonderful foundation for becoming one of the “leaders and best.”

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