Sometimes scenario that you're in has the ability to make your body feel weird. You know that feeling where you're uncomfortable and it seems like you're minutes away from an out-of-body experience or something? Or the one where it feels like time has literally stopped passing for you, and existence of everything else around you just ceases. Well here are some things that do that for me, and I'm sure you feel the same way...
7/11 at night
GiphyYou're just stopping into the convenient store on the way home, but the vibe here is pretty wild. If you're alone, it feels like the town you're in is abandoned and you're the last one standing. It's probably just the lighting in those places. One fixture is probably flickering just to add to the effect. (7/11 if you're reading this, make your lighting a little more homey... what's going on right now is a little sketch)
Grocery stores with no power
Darkness typically doesn't make any situation any better, this one included. When these places lose power, you start to consider whether or not to apocalypse is starting. Do you start stocking up just in case? Or do you just check out with whatever you have and get out of there STAT. If it were me I'd pack up my things and dip before aliens or zombies attacked or something.
Rest stops
GiphyWhat is it about these weird buildings on the high way that make me feel like I'm in the afterlife or something. Like you're just trying to pick up an iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts, use the bathroom, and hit the road again, but you're really just feeling some type of way. It doesn't help that the last 3 times you stopped, it looked identical. If there are other people there, it feels a bit like you don't exist because they're just trying to get shit done, like you. No interaction, no communication, just mutual existence. Freaky.
Visiting your old elementary school
This one kind of feels like time travel, or like you're on an episode of That's So Raven and you're getting a vision or something. It feels so much different than it used to, almost like it wasn't even the same building. The teachers have aged with you, and the interactions with them makes this scenario even harder to figure out.
Your friends house in the morning
GiphyBefore anyone wakes up, this ones odd, especially if it's the first sleepover at this amigos house. What can you do? Nothing. You try to go back to sleep, but instead you spend countless time scrolling through articles similar to this, and refreshing the explore page on Instagram until somebody saves you.
This feels like a movie. No matter what time of day, existence within a laundromat is one incomparable to other existences. Have you taken a time machine to the 80's? It's almost 10 times worse at night, when it's just you and the laundry.
Late night airport layovers
GiphyIs your flight coming? Are you going to make it home? Where are you? Did you forget your bags? Are you hungry? Can you sleep? What if you miss your flight? Is it delayed? What?
The waiting room is probably the worst of all. Time doesn't exist, and for the first time in 6 years, you pick up a magazine. Magazines in themselves feel like an alternate universe, but now you're in an alternate universe inside a different alternate universe. You're tripping, and all you need is a shot.