Alora's Declassified Midterm Survival Guide | The Odyssey Online
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Alora's Declassified Midterm Survival Guide

Because we're all on the struggle bus together.

Alora's Declassified Midterm Survival Guide
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Midterms can be an overwhelming experience. No matter how many times you take tests, it always seems that you get the most nervous or anxious over tests that have labels. FINALS…MIDTERMS...AHH RUN AWAY.

I’ve compiled the best tips that I could come up with along with asking my friends their best survival tips for the midterm season. (Don’t worry, we’re still thriving…I mean kind of ).

1. Find people from your class and make a study group(s).

Start by quizzing each other on the things that you guys know and then work into the things that are a little fuzzier. If you go from materials that you know to materials that you don’t know it will help you keep your confidence up for the test. (Eventually you will know it all!)

2. Study in advance…duh!

Try to start studying for the exam as soon as you can. Do NOT study for long periods of time though. That will just bog you down and make you feel like you don’t know anything. I’d recommend 30 minutes to an hour of studying.

3. Reward yourself for studying.

After each study session, reward yourself with something relaxing. A hot shower, yoga, ice cream, a nap, or you know Netflix.

4. Take care of school related things early in the day.

Personally I like to do all my studying on campus or any homework I may have in the library so that way whenever I go back to my apartment I can just focus on anything that needs to be in my house. Also the later it gets when I am at home, the less I seem to accomplish.

(I know that this tip may not seem feasible to many, but I work 2 jobs and write for the Odyssey. It’s just a matter of will and making things work in your favor.)

5. Make sure you are comfortable in your surroundings.

No matter where you end up doing your homework make sure you are comfortable and not on edge. (just stay away from your bed and the Netflix). One professor always tells me that you think better when the room is a little chillier. Just make sure you aren’t freezing, or bring a jacket! Or if you know that you work best whenever it is quiet don’t go to a coffee shop to study.

6. Call home.

Uh what? Yes go call your momma! I know that when I get stressed out and want to breakdown I call home. Whether it’s my mom, sister or dad who answers the phone it always reminds me why I am going to college in the first place. While it might make you

miss them a little more, you know that the semester is about half way over and you are roughly 8 weeks away from seeing them for Winter break.

7. Don’t cry on the shower floor.

Trust me, it will only make you feel worse. Go hang with your friends and take a study break. Invite them over to study with you or even cry with you if that will make you feel better.

8. Eat well.

A healthy diet = a healthy body = a healthy brain. Am I rite?

No seriously, make sure you set aside enough time to actually eat and not just scarf down that microwave burrito you get from the PSU gas station place. Your body will thank you and you will thank yourself later on when midterms are over. Let’s avoid the MoState 28 as much as possible folks.

9. Make time for your hobbies!

Taking time away from studying helps! It’s always a nice refresher to go grab coffee or to paint or write or go for a run or play that ukulele. Whatever your hobby is GO DO IT…just be back in time for dinner.

10. Once the midterm is over CELEBRATE.

CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES C’MON! So you’ve survived, huh? See it wasn’t that bad. Now go have a night out with good company, or even a night in with your bae. However you choose to celebrate make it a damn good time because you’ve earned it.

At the end of the day the midterm is simply a test. Please take care of yourself as best as you can during this very stressful week. I cannot emphasize the importance of your well-being over a test grade enough. There will always be more tests to study for, more flash cards to make, more highlighting to do, and more chapters to read, but this is the only shot at life we get. I can assure you that one rough test grade will not end your life unless you let it.

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