We’ve all heard the old adage: you have to love yourself before anyone will love you (or something along those lines). I find that truer than ever. I’m coming into a time in my life when many people my age are getting engaged, married or just have a long-term boyfriend. I, however, am the girl who hardly dates. I have technically only dated a whopping two whole people and I have yet to find “the one.” It’s difficult when you see so many happy couples planning their collective future together and you plan alone.
However, I have learned so many important things from having ample alone time. I have learned that I love mornings and evenings to myself (typically). I get to fix breakfast all by myself, I don’t have to share the covers and I can binge-watch whatever show I want. I don’t have to worry about another person, which seems selfish, but I find to be so refreshing. I am at a point in my life where I have the right to be selfish. I am planning a future of my own and I don’t have to take into account anybody else’s feelings or opinions.
Let me make something very clear, though: I do not judge those who are getting married right out of college. Honestly, I feel a little twinge of jealousy when I see engagement or wedding pictures, but I am also content with the path I am on. I have no doubt that I will have my day sometime in the future, but it’s not going to happen anytime soon.
Another thing I love about alone time is that I don’t have to plan my day around another person. I can make plans ahead of time with friends or I can go out with my best friend spur of the moment on a Tuesday (I don’t recommend, but it’s fun nonetheless). I can go to a coffee shop and sit for hours, uninterrupted. It’s amazing!
I am so glad I am not dependent on another person at this point in my life because I can plan an entire life. But I also recognize that life can change at any moment. I could meet my soulmate tomorrow and this whole spiel will be irrelevant. But right now, in this moment, I am content with being alone. I am happy with being alone.
Don’t ever feel bad that you are not with someone because chances are if it’s meant to be, it will be.