Whether you've been a die-hard Pokemon master for years or you're a fresh, upcoming trainer who's been drawn in by all the cute little creatures waiting for you, as a Pokemon fan you're probably super hyped about "Pokemon Sun and Moon." With an unexplored region to chart and lots of swanky new features to play with, this latest generation of Pokemon games is bound to drop a Snorlax-sized bomb when it hits stores November 18th. I know my heart was sold the second the Alola starters were revealed-- little, edgy Litten just spoke to my soul.
Despite all the excitement for a new Pokemon adventure, however, there's one addition to the games that I'm a bit uncertain about: Alola forms. For readers who don't know, Alola forms are re-imagined versions of some classic Kanto Pokemon we all hold near and dear. Apparently the tropical climate in the Alola region does some funky stuff to certain Pokemon, giving them entirely different appearances and changing their types. At first, this idea blew my mind. I wasn't sure I could handle an ice-type Vulpix or a psychic Raichu using its tail as a surfboard. Over time, though, these quirky little Pokes grew on me, and I have to admit, some of them are pretty cute. There are still a few I have... concerns about, but overall, I think GameFreak and Nintendo have found a pretty nifty way to revive some old favorites.
With this in mind, I've decided to take a closer look at all the Alola forms that have been released so far. Below is a list of every Alola form available on the official "Pokemon Sun and Moon" website, starting with what I think is the cutest and ending with the one that makes me cringe the most.
1. Ice Vulpix/Ninetales
Vulpix has always been one of my favorite Pokemon, so when I first saw the Alolan version of it, I thought my whole world had been turned upside-down. Once the initial shock wore off and the screaming died down, however, I realized how adorable Alolan Vulpix actually is. On top of that, Alolan Ninetales looks like a majestic snow queen, and, honestly, what can be better than that? I think it's going to be incredibly fun to play with one of my old favorites in new way, and I know I'll definitely be adding this fluffy little snowball to my party.
2. Ghost Marowak
Now this is a Pokemon aesthetic I can get behind. Marowak has never really been on my radar before as a Pokemon I want backing me up in battle, but Alolan Marowak's combination ghost/fire type is right up my alley. I do have to wonder if there will be an Alolan Cubone to match up with this new butt-kicker, since there hasn't been one revealed yet. Regardless, Alolan Marowak gets two big thumbs up from me. Who doesn't love blue fire?
3. Ice Sandshrew/Sandslash
Not only is Alolan Sandshrew pretty cute, but I think its new mix of ice and steel types should be an interesting combination to play around with. I've never been a huge fan of ground types, so Sandshrews weren't a common sight in any of my previous Pokemon parties, but I'd be willing to give Alolan Sandshrew a try. Alolan Sandslash also looks armed and dangerous with the giant icicles sticking out of its back. Just keep these two away from any fire types, and it seems you're pretty much golden.
4. Psychic Raichu
Pikachu is my spirit animal and my most beloved Pokemon of all time, so of course, Raichu is pretty high up my favorites list by extension. I wasn't quite sure what to make of Alolan Raichu when I first saw it, but I think it was the tail surfboard that eventually won me over. As far as I'm aware, Alolan Raichu is the first Pokemon to be both electric and psychic types, so it should be fun seeing how that combination comes into play, as well.
5. Dark Meowth/Persian
Admittedly, I like the backstory behind these two. Alolan Meowth and Persian are literally the kitties of royalty, and that makes them some pretty classy cats. I'm also rather fond of how smug Alolan Meowth looks all the time. That's a cat who knows what it wants-- a lot like my own cat, in a way. What knocks this dark pair of kitties down to number five on my list is... Alolan Persian's head. I get the feeling the game designers were trying to go for a look reminiscent of a real Persian cat, but with the way it ended up, it seems like Alolan Persian is just suffering from a severe allergic reaction to something. I hope it's doing alright.
6. Dark Rattata/Raticate
Okay, but... did we really need this one? I suppose it makes sense to have one of those throwaway, everywhere kind of Pokemon be revamped for the Alola region, but it's literally just Rattata with a mustache and black fur. They didn't even make it strictly a dark type-- it's still normal/dark. I don't even want to know what kind of secrets Alolan Raticate is hiding in those giant cheeks. I appreciate the effort, game developers, but perhaps these two could've stayed on the mainland as their regular selves.
7. Dark Grimer/Muk
Literally the only difference between Alolan Grimer and Muk and their Kanto cousins is that these versions are more colorful, and Alolan Grimer has hippo teeth. The added combo of a poison/dark type doesn't really do much for me, either. I'm not entirely sure what the point of creating entirely new forms for these two was, to be honest. I've never been a fan of Grimer or Muk anyway-- green or not, they'll always just be piles of sludge to me.
8. Dragon Exeggutor
I just... I don't even know what's happening right now. It's literally a palm tree. It looks like it got its coconut heads stuck inside the trunk of a car, and then the car just sped off and left its body behind. I'm pretty sure the only Pokemon that's more of a catastrophe than Alolan Exeggutor is Trubbish, which is a pile of garbage. To top it off, why is this walking palm tree a dragon type, of all things? Charizard can't be a dragon type, but this can? I sense injustice here. I will admit, though, Alolan Exeggutor does make great meme material.
They may not all be pretty, but I'm looking forward to seeing these new Alolan Pokemon in action. If we're lucky, maybe we'll get to meet a whole bunch more come November 18th. Happy catching, Pokemon trainers!