Every day we have a million things to do. Laundry, pay bills, assignments, work, dishes, cooking and the list goes on and on. All of these things can pile up to an incredible amount that we sometimes feel will never go away. Then anytime we almost feel like everything is taken care of, something goes the wrong way. Now, I’m not here to be pessimistic, but there will always be times when everything can’t go the wrong way. When this happens, this is exactly when we have the “I almost had my life together,” feeling.
We all have that feeling sometimes and it’s not great. However, this feeling doesn’t mean that your life isn’t actually together. If everything in your life was completed, what do you actually have challenging you? We look at all of these daily tasks as stresses in our lives, but without them, we wouldn’t’ be challenged. We all need to be challenged daily, and these are the challenges we are given. How we handle them makes us who we are, determines our stress level, and helps us with time management. It’s not easy and we don’t always succeed at first when we try finishing everything. However, eventually, we find our own routine and ways to overcome these challenges and others in our lives. So, when you feel like you “almost have your life together,” remember that that’s the best position to be in.