Allow Life To Take You Abroad | The Odyssey Online
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Allow Life To Take You Abroad

Leave the country to redefine and discover you!

Allow Life To Take You Abroad
CIS Abroad

20-year-olds rarely take time to step back and reflect on their lives; who they are and who they want to be. Taking some time to do that has made me realize that while I like who I am, I know that I still have some growing to do.

Take a moment and think. Who are you? Do you like the person you are? Do you want to redefine yourself?

I always knew that I wanted to study abroad during my junior year of college, and while sophomore year comes to an end, I am thinking about how quickly it has gone by. I am halfway done with college. The thought of having an internship and then going abroad for the entire fall semester is crazy to me. I have thought about it for many years and I can’t believe that it is almost here! After this year, it seems as if my life is going to change.

As I try to prepare for the dramatic changes and new beginnings that are going to happen, I think about how lucky I am to get the chance to study abroad — in Florence of all places.

The thought of leaving behind family, friends and the place that I love can be distressing and at times, makes me apprehensive. Although I am not a homebody, I sometimes get nervous when thinking about being so far away from home for an entire semester. Being in another country will be so different for me and I know that it will be both educational and challenging. It will be one of the best experiences of my life and will be close to my heart. The question is, how will I adjust to the new culture, language and country?

When I travel abroad next year, one of my goals is to focus on myself. I want to do things for myself and do what makes me happy. I have always found myself trying to make others happy and doing the things that they want to do.

I am so extremely lucky to have the opportunity to go abroad and I cannot take that for granted. Change happens for a reason and going abroad is the time to expand your horizons. In Florence, I would like to explore new things and push myself out of my comfort zone to see how I will handle unfamiliar situations. That is what will give me the most personal growth. Here are four tips that should be kept in mind.

1. Be fearless

Fear can hold you back from experiencing many different things and while abroad, I’m sure you don’t want to miss out on anything. That is important when thinking about getting the most out of every abroad experience. Living in fear won’t allow you to try new things and meet new people. Try some new activities, try new foods, meet new people and try to learn another language!

Get out of your comfort zone.

I know it is not a simple thing to do and we all feel uncomfortable, but allowing yourself to go outside of your comfort zone will allow you to experience everything while you are abroad. Find yourself in another country!

2. Branch out

It is so easy to stick close by to the same friend group and go to the same place. The moment you step foot onto the plane is the moment to push yourself out of your social comfort zone. Try to make it your goal to get to know all of the people in your program and even expand and meet some people from other programs! Go out with them and travel with them. Shared experiences build bonds. Meet and socialize with the locals. Remember to be yourself and keep your mind open to meeting new people — you may find that you have a few things in common with them!

3. Be curious

Today, there is a stigma about being curious and asking questions. Many of us feel as if we will be judged or looked at as stupid. When you are abroad, ask as many questions as you can to learn more about the new country, language and culture. Being curious is nothing to be ashamed of.

Make the most of your study abroad experience. Take it all in. Eat as much food as you can. Take as many pictures as you can. Do the things that you can only do in the country you are visiting. Experiences like these only happen so often and I, for one, can’t wait to take advantage of it!

4. Be yourself

Most of all, while studying abroad in another country, be yourself! Don't change your personality or interests based on your peers. Being in another country for four months is the time that you have to explore the world and define yourself.

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