Remember the simple pleasure of childhood of rolling down a grassy hill, giggling as your world literally turned upside down in the shining summer sun? And then the sniffling, followed by the glassy eyes, and of course, the inevitable red, itchy hives. That's the classic, Americana memory, right? No? Just for us allergy kids? If you're like me and grew up with allergies, Zyrtec was your best friend, sniffling was your hobby, and grass was the devil. Allergies suck. Here are the top 10 struggles all allergy kids dealt with!
1. Springtime is THE WORST
Yup. This GIF pretty much sums it all up. Except I'm also most likely allergic to "Little Chipmunk Friend" too.
2. Your nose twins with Rudolph
And just like Rudolph, I am also ashamed of my shiny nose and my inability to play with the other reindeer frolicking in the pollen covered flowers. Which reminds me... Santa, all I want for Christmas is my allergies to be cured thanks!
3. Getting asked "Are you crying?" CONSTANTLY
As if the bright red nose doesn't draw enough attention, your eyes have to make it look like you just received the news that all the puppies in the world died. Thanks, allergies.
4. You burned calories by your nose running so much
The classic nose swipe AKA the last resort to when your obnoxious sniffling failed to work.
Because you never know when your body might decide to have an allergic reaction to the air you're breathing to stay alive!!!
6. No, seriously, EVERYWHERE
I relate to this GIF on a deep, spiritual level.
7. Your seasons: mold, grass, pollen, ragweed
Winter, (the season that shall not be named), summer, and fall are overrated. You know what's not overrated? The pollen and mold tracker on the weather app. Talk about a literal lifesaver.
8. Trying to convince people you're not contagious
Yes, I know I appear to be dying, but I promise you I'm not contagious! It's just the grass/pollen/mold/air making me sick! Please be my friend.
9. Benadryl is your buddy
Oh, you beautiful, pink miracle goddess. Your proof beauty comes in all shapes and sizes! (Liquid, anti-itch cream, pill form)
10. Surviving allergy season is the best
We did it! With the help of our trusty allies of Kleenex and Zyrtec, we conquered mold, pollen, and grass! Nature may be dead but we're living again! Until next spring that is...
- 10 Struggles Only People With Allergies Know ›
- How To Combat Allergies This Year | The Odyssey Online ›