I am not an angry person but there's a breaking point. In 2016, we have 547 Black lives that were killed by police officers. I wonder what's the reason behind all of this, why are you so afraid of us? I don't want to see any Black kids feel worthless because every life is precious.
You have to remember that we didn't ask for this, your ancestors went all the to Africa to get us where we used to live free and didn't have a care for the world. Since back in the day, your ancestors didn't mind killing, taking what isn't theirs, they were just these selfish men. You know what, I am very happy that my country got rid of you bastards, I am happy that my country stood up together and said that enough was enough.
You know what's the irony about of all this, you are killing us and "ghettoizing and demeaning our creation" while your daughters and wives are "trying us on like costumes" before you "discard our bodies like rinds of strange fruit."
Donald Trump said that he will build a border and send all of the immigrants home but sir, last time I checked this country was build on the backs of immigrants. You are part of the reason why some White people think that they can do whatever they want with us, treat us like we are some kind of animals.
You said that you are a " Free" country but are you really?? That's why I love this quote from Jesse Williams that says "They would have been alive if they hadn't so free." Our ancestors fought for our freedom and we got "it" through blood shed. How is it fair that your kids are growing up with care free lives while ours have to watch their back every time?
What it is that you are really scared of us?? Are you scared of the fact that we are one of the smartest race? Are you scared because of the color of our skin, our melanin? Are you scared because our eyes are finally open of the fact that we see ourselves as these beautiful Black queens and kings?
You think that you are smart by killing our men so us black women would give up the fight since we won't have any kings by our sides, but let me tell you something a queen can be as bad as a king. Thing is don't push us because you will see our anger when we've had enough.
For the Black men who kept saying that they won't marry a Black women because we are too crazy, and we talk too much, well now look who's defending you right now. I don't see any White women who married or dating Black men speaking up or defending you? Also, to all my white so call "friends" I see who's speaking up and who aren't and if you aren't then you are part of the problem.
You know what's even more sad about this is the fact that we have so many Black people that are still ignorant to the fact that this is happening and this is about race. If you are that ignorant about it then you also are part of the problem.
I would like to thank the ones that are doing their jobs. Thank you, I wish they were more like you because Lord knows that we need it.
Last but not at least, I am a 21 year old Black woman who is childless and yet afraid to have a Black son. All we are asking is for peace, quiet, freedom and equality. That is all. You are lucky that we aren't asking for revenge. So please, put your pride and ego aside because they're not worth the killings.