If you're struggling with writer's block, don't worry — it happens to the best of us. You may feel as if you've lost all motivation or the words just don't seem to flow. I assure you there is hope. It's very easy to overcome if you know the right tips and tricks.
1. Step Away
Taking a break from what you're writing can make a tremendous difference in fighting writers block. Stop whatever you're writing and do anything that's creative. Paint pictures, write poetry, play an instrument, build something — anything creative will work. Work on other creative projects for a few hours and then go back to writing. These might give you more inspiration than you might realize. Jumping into other projects will activate your creativity. The key is to keep exercising the creative part of your brain and eventually you'll get back into the flow of writing.
2. Freewrite
When you first wake up or before you go to bed write about whatever comes to your head. Just write freely, hence why it's called freewriting. Allow yourself to write about all of the random thoughts that go through your head. Your subject of writing might change suddenly, but that's part of the fun. Keeping a journal is a great way and place to store all of these thoughts. You could mix fiction with journaling or vent your struggles and frustrations. This process trains your brain to tap into the worlds inside your head and gives them a place to live in your journal. Do this for a week and then go back to your writing project, but if you find to love it then keep it up.
3. Get Moving
Moving your body and getting up from your bed or desk chair may be very beneficial. Dancing, yoga, going for a walk,or even hula hooping will work. When you get your body flowing, your mind will as well. Meditation is another good way of getting your mind to flow. Meditating doesn't mean clearing all thoughts, just simply focusing on the breath. Meditation is appropriate for any where, especially if you're stressed. A relaxed mind is a more open mind. You are able to focus longer when in a peaceful state.
4. Distractions Have To Go
Turn off your phone and all other types of distractions. Clean up your work space so you don't get distracted by the clutter. A cluttered desk puts the mind in a state of confusion. Take some time out of your day such as three or four hours and just write. Ask loved ones to honor your space during that time so you can avoid all interruptions. Giving yourself time and space to be alone in order to remain focused.
5. The Early Bird
When you first wake up, your brain is still in Theta mode, or the brainwave pattern that your mind is in when you dream. Being half-asleep could help your writing because you will have dream filled thoughts, thought you might not have had during the day or at night. Even if you're not a morning person. I would at least try this a couple of times.
6. The Night Owl
When you sleep your subconscious mind is always problem solving, even when you're asleep. If you're stuck think about what you just wrote before you go to bed. The next morning you may have a solution to the problem and you can get back into the flow of writing.
7. Some H2O
If nothing else works, resort to this to cure writer's block. Before bed, fill up a glass of water. Hold it up and speak an intention into the water. This may sound silly but you won't know if it works unless you try. An example of this would be: my intent is to tap into my creative side and write fantastic things tomorrow. Drink half of the water and then set the half-full glass on your night stand and go to sleep. When you wake up the next morning, drink the rest of the water immediately. Next go straight to your computer or write in your journal without any distractions. Do this technique for three days straight and it will (hopefully) get you out of your writers block!
When you apply one or all of these ideas to your life, you'll soon see that writer's block is simply just a temporary block that you can overcome easily, staying in the creative flow. Continue writing my friend and never let writer's block get in your way again.