We have become divided. It seems as though the only thing people care about is your political stance. I feel like I am living in a real-life version of Mean Girls and the High School is America and we all have to sit at the specific tables that are separated by political stances. If you are a Democrat, you can't sit with us. If you support Trump, you can get hit by a bus. This is pretty much a dramatic version of the state America is in.
Somehow every group of people throughout the whole political spectrum have forgotten one very important thing... we all want the same thing. The reason we are so PASSIONATE and involved in what we believe is a result of our unwavering love for our country and world. We all want progress and betterment. We simply disagree on how we should achieve these goals and who should be in charge. We made it into a competition instead of a debate.
It is so easy to blame our country's problems solely on our leadership, but to me, that is like blaming the outcome of a game on the coach and not the players. The divide in our country is not the president's fault. We actively chose to block out those who oppose us and only see truth in our opinions. We all have faults and too many of us are unwilling to acknowledge them. We all want to be right and that is something that needs to change. Learning the truth is so much better than making your own truth. And the truth, is usually somewhere in-between the parties opinions. This is why we need more conversation.
This is no longer about what is best for this country or world for that matter. No, we have made this about which party came up with the idea. Many people from all parties are guilty of this. In fact, if you were to present two very similar approaches to a political problem, a person will most likely base their judgment on the party the presenters associate with.
We have forgotten that we all want to help each other. It is common for Republicans to say that Democrats are crybabies that are hurting the economy and therefore, hurting the well-being of the people. It is also common for Democrats to say that Republicans are racists, or bigots who are selfish and vain. None of them are right. We can not place such a heavy accusation on a WHOLE group of people. While there are people that fit those descriptions, this is not a correct nor practical way to solve our country's issues.
If we could set aside our differences, we would see that we all want to find a thing that WORKS. I believe that the only way we can make this happen is if we work together. We have forgotten that we can share our perspectives and ideas and work through our differences. We can make meaningful conversation about the ways in which we do not meet eye and eye.
We all want a better tomorrow.
We all want to be heard.
We all want to truly be proud of our country.
... and we can't do that without working together.