The 7 Random Friends You'll Meet | The Odyssey Online
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The 7 Random Friends You'll Meet

You never know where they might come from.

The 7 Random Friends You'll Meet
Morgan Blanyer

We've all met a lot of different friends in our lives, those who stay years, those who go, and all the ones in between that you will never forget. With a lot of my good friends now I tend to forget all the different ways that we met so I thought it would be interesting to share.

1. The friend you met over an injury

When I was little and in my preschool stages my parents had me in a daycare system. I met a good friend here and while we were trying to move a teeter totter I actually slipped and sprained me foot. We can laugh about it now but needing someone through that brought us together.

2. The friend that you originally thought you would hate

One of my really good friends from middle school I actually met over a mutual hate. We were both extremely quiet people and had been placed in an honors English class together. Having no friends to talk to in that class we always got paired together somehow. But the difficult part was that we hated each other because we thought the other was smarter. A very stubborn way to be but that was just our middle school selves.

3. The friend you met through work

This friend is very vital to helping you get through a rough day at work. Whether they help you with a difficult task or just find a way to brighten your day, this is the person you vent to when that new policy just isn't cutting it.

4. The friend you met during a crazy night

A really good friend of mine that I met in college, I met one day right in the middle of the floor in our dorm room. We were hanging out with a lot of different friends from that night but we were all just acting goofy. It made for a lot of memorable quotes, one of them being from me. "I want to get a frog on my foot." Whenever we see each other we can just say this and start cracking up laughing.

5. The friend you met that was just helping out

Another friend I met in college was one that I just needed a little helping hand from on the first day. I simply asked, "where are the knives?" and it resulted in sitting together at a table, She still helps me with a lot of things that I struggle with.

6. The friend you met online

This one is actually about my boyfriend, but we were friends long before we were something more. When he saw that we were going to the same college he decided to DM me and it goes on from there. This can sometimes be a very scary or intimidating way to meet someone but it was nice to have a friend before I even arrived at college that I could confide in.

7. The friend that no matter what you can't exactly remember when you met them

My best friend and I actually met at the horse stable that we both rode at. We saw each other in passing a lot of the times but I can never recall exactly when we became friends. Knowing the way that we are it was probably over something silly and ridiculous but I'm glad I met her because I know we will be friends for life.

To all the friends that I included you are never forgotten!!

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