If you're like me you are married to Johnny Depp and he just doesn't know it quite yet. This man is mysterious, handsome, and oh so strange. He could sneeze and I would think it was amazing. You just honestly can't ignore how talented and beautiful John Christopher Depp II is.
1. When he sings "Doin' Time for Bein Young" in Cry Baby.
Or just him being in the whole Cry Baby movie. It is so quirky and fun. Hone
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stly just look at the raw emotion he has when he sings. If you didn't already know, Johnny Depp can sing, and he is really freaking great at it. An intellectual and a singer? Don't mind if I do.
2. When Johnny Depp said this about Winona Ryder.
“I'd die for her. I love her so much. I don't know what I would do without her. She's going through a lot right now. I wish I could just kiss away the pain, make it go away, stop it, kill it! I'd she, you know, I don't know what I would do. I'd kill myself. I love that girl I love her. I love her more almost more than I love myself"
3. When he got his 'Winona Forever' tattoo changes to 'Wino Forever'
This is so savage. I love wine, but I love Johnny Depp more4. When Tim Burton said this about his friendship with Johnny
“I think there’s a connection with people, and it’s not an intellectual decision. We have shared similar tastes in things, in movies and certain weird, lower suburbia upbringings. I don’t know, exactly, but I think that there’s kind of a connection in many different ways”
It is no secret that Tim and Johnny are friends and work well together. Their eccentric tastes and raw way of expressing emotion make them a very unforgettable pair.
5. Captain Jack Sparrow.
When the first pirates came out we rented it from BlockBuster (I'm getting old) and my little preteen self watched the movie 7 times in one weekend before we returned it. I couldn't get enough of Captain Jack. I still can't.
I love rum just as much as Captain Jack Sparrow.
6. This
My little heart has melted
7. How talented he is
There have been other movies since this youtube post was made in 2012. I personally think Black Mass which came out in 2015 is one of his absolute best movies. You can see though what a talented and versatile actor he is. There aren't many people out there who are able to play so many diverse characters.
8. All of this
What a freaking cool human being. I can't deny my love for Johnny Depp and I am sure many of you can't either.