This has really been weighing on my heart lately so here's to all the men out there.
I want to encourage you to be all that you dare to be, and all that He is calling you to be. To rise up as men worthy of the call, rather than a man who simply settles for fitting in the main crowd. A lot of effort has gone into advocating respect and honor for women, which is important, but as a woman I want to apologize for not always returning that respect and honor to you. Many of us have sort of messed things up for you...
The feminist movement liberated women in a lot of ways, but it also encouraged us to take charge and "be our own person" at the cost of your position as protector and leader. Women started dressing how they wanted to without regarding how difficult it is to guard your eyes and mind when we are leaving nothing to the imagination. We started welcoming the idea of friends with benefits while neglecting to encourage chivalry and respect. When the porn industry took off, we further instilled the idea that it's okay to look. Women allowed themselves to be objectified and degraded as nothing more than a object of pleasure, and while this isn't solely to blame for the growth in sex trafficking, it has definitely helped spiral the problem we have today. We've all settled for a mediocre rendition of a half-heart, luke warm attempt at loving the lives around us, including respecting our own.
As women, we have stepped down from our position as supporters and encouragers, as a helper, and instead encouraged the mentality of anything goes. Somewhere, somehow, we forgot the sanctity of human life and settled for the broken mess we are in today.
However, I know there is a group of men who desire to be more than society has allowed you to be. You no longer want to settle for pixels on a screen or a one night stand. You desire to look into a woman's heart, and not degrade her by gazing or touching her body that is not your own. You build women up with your speech instead of the course jokes and attitudes of many. I applaud you for standing against the current. You are more than who society has belittled and declared you to be. You are a warrior. You are a treasure. You are valued. You are admired. You deserve love. You deserve respect. You. Are. Amazing. Despite the lies that Satan has so tried to infuse into your mind, I want to say that Jesus loved you at your darkest hour and still calls you lovely. I am so incredibly proud of you. He is so incredibly proud of you. Let that sink in.
So as a woman, I promise I will take up my position as a helper. I will encourage your spirit to be the man God created you to be. I will guard your eyes and heart from stumbling on my account because I know your worth and potential.
So stand strong. My faith in humanity is restored by your stand and character.
You are worthy.