To all the girls who think being strong is undesirable,
Strong is beautiful. Anyone who has ever told you otherwise is wrong. No you will not look manly by lifting some weights and building some muscle. You will, however, trade in that unwanted body fat for some solid muscle mass. In addition to looking better in your newly sculpted body, you will mentally and physically feel better and you will be healthier too. A strong body leads to a strong mind. Neither of which, are undesirable.
A woman with a strong body may seem intimidating at first, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but that does not make her a wild beasts. No, do not make her angry because she CAN do something about it and she most likely will not tolerate being pushed around, but don’t treat her like she’s not human just because she is built. A strong body shows hustle, loyalty, hard work, discipline and self-respect. A woman with a strong mind is perhaps even more threatening. Strong-minded women are intelligent, goal-oriented and probably over-achievers or perfectionists.
Strong does not mean that you are ugly, undesirable, manly, or anything else they say. It does not mean you will retract guys instead of attract guys. Strong will intimidate some guys, perhaps out of jealousy or fear or simply because you are defying the stereotype. But that is not your problem and it does not mean you are anything less than beautiful. You will attract the right guys, guys who can match your strength or at least embrace it.
There will probably be people who tell you that girls should not be fit or muscular, because people are cruel. But girls, if you want to lift weights or workout, then you go ahead and do it. You defy those stereotypes. You intimidate those weak boys. You better yourself, for yourself. Take all the criticism and allow it to fuel your journey.
No matter what anyone says, strong is beautiful, and don’t you ever forget that.
A strong woman