This is an open letter to any girl who has ever felt broken, insecure, or simply not up to today's beauty standards.
First off, I want you to know that you are not alone. Girls are infamous for being self conscious, which is very sad but very true at the same time. According to, "7 in 10 girls believe that they are not good enough or don’t measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members." To me, this statistic is very frightening but accurate. I have conversations with other girls each day, and I do not think that I have ever had a conversation with a group of girls without at least one of them putting themselves down in some way shape or form. It saddens me, but if I told you that I have never felt like I was not good, pretty, or smart enough, I would be lying.
So why do so many of us feel this way on a daily basis? I really wish that I knew all of the answers to that. However, I do know a few of the factors that could be causing us all grief.
Standards are set to an unrealistic level these days. People expect things to be as they see them on the television screen or social media accounts. That just is not real life, though. Real life does not have filters, it just happens. So do not feel like you have to look exactly like that super model that edited the shit out of her photo before posting it online. That isn't real and you are.
If you are having relationship issues, or even feeling hopeless about ever finding a relationship, you are certainly not the only one. The biggest lesson that I have learned throughout my fair share of getting to know guys, however, is that there are good people out there, and the good ones will be head over heels for you for JUST how you are. They will love ever piece of you and not think about anyone else. Next time you are feeling hopeless, or you get turned down by someone because "you're not what they are looking for," please remember one thing: That is NOT your fault. It does not meant that you are not good enough, it simply means that that person is too blind to your beauty. It will feel like a shot in the heart, but I promise you that it does not mean that you are not good enough.
One thing that a lot of girls forget, however, is that looks are not the most important thing in the world, either. Yes, cliche, but I am being serious here. Although many people today make being pretty a very large priority in their lives, being a good person is to me the only thing that matters in life. Yes, it is important to be happy with the way you look (because let's face it you're perfect anyway), but being a kind, considerate human being will always trump that looking in the mirror feeling.
On that note, I just want to remind each and every one of you that you ARE good enough. For anyone. For anything. Never forget that, and never forget your worth, not matter how hard that may be. Look in the mirror today, take a deep breath, and remind yourself of just how beautiful you really are. Stay strong out there girls. Have faith and let life take its toll.