Dealing with any kind of tragedy is never easy in any way. Immediately after this horrible thing has happened to you, everyone wants to tell you that "time heals all wounds." This may true for some, and not so true for others.
One year ago, I received the worst phone call of my life, my father had passed away. Nothing will ever compare to the pain that I felt in that moment, and for months after. I heard the phrase "Time will make things better" so many times I never wanted to hear it again. In that moment I never imagined things getting better. I could only think worst case scenario, and things going downhill from where I was standing.
One year after the worst day of my life I stand by the opinion that time heals everything. I am a firm believer in it. Do not think that I do not feel any pain, or I do not ever miss my Dad because I always will. The difference from one year ago is that I am okay with it now.
For weeks after this tragedy I never thought I would be okay again. I thought I would have to withdraw from my university, I thought I would not be able to play the sport I love again. I thought my world was crashing down around me.
Everyone deals with tragedy in their own way, and that is totally okay. What everyone needs to focus on is how far these people who have faced tragedy come in the year following.
It is the year after the tragedy that truly defines you. You can think that your world is going to end, but there is a difference of thinking your world is going to end and letting your world end.
The year after your tragedy is when your true character comes out. This is when you are pick yourself up, and you keep on going. You will not let this horrible tragedy define who you are for the rest of your life. I personally do not want to be known as the girl who lost her father in college. That is not who I am.
I am so much more than the tragedy that I have faced. Just in the year following my fathers passing, I have accomplished so much more than I ever thought would happen after losing him.
One year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8760 hours. This is your turning point. This is your opportunity to rise above, and not let tragedy define you. Make yourself known for what you are great at. Do not think for even a second that you will not succeed because of what you have been through. In fact, it should be quite the opposite.
Believe that you will succeed because of what you have been through. You are doing it for your loved one, or for those who cannot. You will succeed.
One year can make a complete difference of who you are, and who you are going to become.