Its 7:30 a.m. and you have already opened the doors for the day, you are prepared for the day to begin as campers flood through the doors with more energy than ever. As more campers arrive the day begins, moving kids from activity to activity. From games, to water breaks, to reapplying sunscreen there is no stopping throughout the day.
Days are long and packed with action, but the weeks fly by because there is no down time, but there are so many aspects of camp that every camp counselor knows to be true:
1. The Staff.
You wouldn’t survive each day without these people. You all understand the exhaustion that hits as soon as you get home after a long day, or how great of a day it is when you don’t have a single meltdown within your group. Some of the best friends I have are from working together at camp, because we all truly understand each other’s work lives.
2. The Games.
Ask me to name some popular trend and I may not be able too, but ask for a camp game and we could rattle off a whole list. Games that campers beg to play and some that cause moans when announced. Camp favorites, such as pirate ship, capture the flag, and manhunt never get old.
3. The sayings.
They say “out of the mouths of babes,” and as a camp counselor there is nothing more true, “kids do say the darndest things.” I think as camp counselors we could write a book on the things kids say, from compliments to jokes, it truly does not get better.
4. The littlest things you campers do can make your day (or break it).
Kids are the most honest people I know, and they have the power to boost your day in even the smallest thing they say.
5. You love “your kids”.
No I don’t have kids, but this is what we refer to our campers as. While they all have their moments where they are crying or hitting another camper, they all also have their good moments where they are helpful or just want a hug and for that you can’t help but love them.