This week, President-elect Donald J. Trump selected the first few members of his new presidential cabinet, and some of his selections are arguably quite regressive. Steve Bannon, former executive of the alt-right news website Breitbart, will serve as his White House Chief Strategist. Bannon, who is a white nationalist, for all intents and purposes, has expressed his disdain for progressive women by calling them “dykes” and just recently claimed that there are too many Asian tech companies in the the Silicon Valley, which he believes undermines our civic society. Unsurprisingly, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, otherwise known as David Duke has condoned this selection, exclaiming, “I think that’s excellent.”
In addition, Trump appointed Reince Priebus as his Chief of Staff. Priebus, who has been the chairman of the Republican National Committee since 2011, is, ironically, a Washington insider, yet has never held elected office. It has also been reported that he will serve alongside Bannon as his co-equal. Priebus has consistently expressed his stances against same-sex marriage legislation and reproductive rights, and has loyally supported Mr. Trump since the conception of his campaign.
And even more recently, on Friday morning, Trump has announced that Jeff Sessions, a Republican senator from Alabama, will serve as the President-elect’s Attorney General. Sessions has not only strongly opposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, but has also continually received an F on his congressional scorecard from the NAACP. His National Security Advisor will be Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, a firm believer that the Islamic religion is fully connected to ISIS, claiming that it perfectly rational to fear all muslims. Just the past July, the Lieutenant General tweeted, “In next 24 hours, I dare Arab & Persian world “leaders” to step up to the plate and declare their Islamic ideology sick and must B healed.”