The universe is alive with tremendous amounts of diversity and harmony, and it would be impossible to know how exactly each wave rolls onto the shore or the true depths of pain felt in another’s heart. For every ounce of knowledge I have, there will always be five times that of knowledge I will never get the chance to posses.
Time is limited, and there is so much to do and so much I will never accomplish, simply due to time. There are so many classes I have not been able to take. I do not know how to do Physics or draw the perfect replica of a can of soup, French is a completely foreign language to my tongue and Calculus is a bridge I have yet to cross. There is so much knowledge floating around my campus and I am unable to absorb every drop.
I do not know what it is like to be anyone but myself. I will not fully comprehend the clutter of growing up in a home where a parent left and being forced into a position to act as a parent for my siblings. I will not know what it is like to be abused at the age of four or lose my own child at the age of fifteen. The joy or pain I feel is likely not perfectly similar to that of another, and I am unable to comprehend the depths to which their soul cries or why they find happiness in the slightest change in the wind. I do not understand why our human hearts break so easily, and why the love of another is sometimes the glue needed to put the pieces back together.
I cannot comprehend the violence and acts of terror that occur all over the world. My kind heart simply is unable to understand the “why?” behind some actions. I don't know how one could harm or take away the life of another with no regret left behind. Why can we not recognize each other as simply "humans," without the labels that seem to divide us before there is ever a chance to unite? The heart pumping inside our bodies are the same as every other person on this planet, yet we do not recognize each other as brothers and sisters, rather as "black" or "White," "woman" or "man."
I do not know why there is such a fear of admitting to not know. We all begin the same way, as a little crawling beast that meanders through life, picking up information as we stumble along. This beast is inside each of us; there is no way that one has encountered every experience and learned all they possibly could about this world. There is so much that is left unknown, and it is fully acceptable to admit to this.
We live in an enormous universe, and we are given a limited amount of time to gather as much wisdom and bits of knowledge we can. The thirst for knowledge will never be void, as there is always so much that I have yet to know. All we can do is pursue what we can during our time on Earth and hope that it will, in the end, suffice.