This week, following the inauguration of Donald Trump, started the Women’s Movement. This movement stands for womanhood, equality, LGBTQ rights, and minority groups facing discrimination.
I am a Christian. I sometimes do not agree with people on controversial topics, but one thing I pray we can all agree on is it is good to be kind.
Seeing the women’s movement this weekend was something I did not believe I would see in a lifetime. Although I did not always like what I saw.
At first, I thought it was women feeling empowered to stand for what they believed in. I saw something very different when I looked on social media. People claiming, they want ALL people to be treated equal, but treating OUR PRESIDENT like scum. Even stooping so low to comparing President Trump to Hitler.
In his Inaugural address, Donald Trump said:
“When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us, ‘How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.’
We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.”
He spoke to not being prejudice (which includes LGBTQ people, races, religions, and gender), he spoke to living together in unity and spoke to being open minded and keeping the peace. And yet, he was still accused of fighting against all of this.
Women, stand together in love for your beliefs. Do not name call, because that means you lose automatically. If you truly believe ALL people are equal, then believe President Trump should be treated equally. No, he is not perfect. Yes, he has made many mistakes, but he is still your president. Treat him with the respect of his title even if you disagree with his politics.