We are a little over one week into the newly founded world known as "Trump's World" and things have gone from “Normal” To “The Third Ring of Hell.” People are losing their health care, people may not be able to get married to the person they love the most, families will be ripped a part, and children will die daily in the name of our nation, children who never did anything wrong and could grow up to be the heroes of tomorrow, sadly for them tomorrow may never come for them. As Christians love to say that we are pro-life, that all lives matter. However, the way most Christians act, we only care about the birth of the child if it isn’t our own child and then we yell at the parents (mainly the mother) that they messed up in their live and that they need to keep their legs closed so they won’t get pregnant. However now that we are banning people from entering our nation that has always been known as open to everyone of all races, religions and walks of life, while as of now the ban is at the moment shut down, however that is the key word, at the moment.
So when the moment is over, we need to fight again to keep our brothers and sisters of this nation from being taken away. Now before all of this started to happen, a lot of people loved to preach how it wasn't just Black Lives that Mattered, it was all lives that mattered! However now, those people are quiet while some of the all are being kicked out of their homes, hurt on the streets, or living in free because they don't fit our idea of all. If you want to preach all lives matter, then you need to welcome all lives!
We can't say that we can dismiss a group of bad apples from one group because of reasons, but then with another group say all of them are bad because a few also messed up. If we want to preach that all lives matter, when one of those lives is in danger, we start to raise hell so people know that they messed up, we need to be pro life, passed the womb and until the tomb. If someone uses a religion of love, support and helping others, to us it in the ways of hate and harm,you tell them that they will have to speak in front of their God and answer why they didn't follow Matthew 25:31-46 and why they left the hungry starve, the thirsty go without drink? If you wanted to preach that all lives matter then, and now you want to your mouth shut? You never believed all lives mattered in the first place. Please understand that in a moment like this, in a world like this,if we ban just a single religion from entering a nation, it won't stop with just that, it will keep on going until races are banned, genders, sexuality, disabilities etc. we need to be together now, more than ever. Be like a snowflake, alone, it is really nothing you can get rid of it and push it to the side, however when snowflakes get together, they can create an avalanche, and no one gets in the way of an avalanche.