I read a book recently that I could really relate to. The main character was in a car accident, and he later found out that he would never be able to play tennis again, the one thing that he was planning on to pay his way through school. By the end of the book, he realizes that there are other things he enjoys besides tennis, and it is a happy ending. I had a horrible illness that the doctors thought I would never be able to dance again, when a few months after being sent home from the hospital I was dancing again. I know that there are a lot of health tragedies that many people face that don’t always have a happy ending, but there are so many other kinds of tragedies that people face everyday. Some people may be judged because they are making a break-up seem like a tragedy, but to that person, it could be the biggest tragedy they have had to deal with in their life so far. We all have different tragedies, and we all deal with them differently.
Instead of telling others to build a bridge and get over it when they are going through a hard time, maybe we should all realize that they hurting in a way that is the same as we once have. Every person deals with their emotions differently, and if that means laying in bed crying for a day after a friendship ends, then do it. If that is what is going to help you get through your tragedy, who cares. So many of us are consumed about what others will think if they see us cry, but when I see someone cry, I realize that they are only human. We all cry. It does not matter what kind of emotion you use to deal with things, as long as it is something that will help you feel better, then you cry or you scream (just don't harm others around you).
My health tragedy was probably the biggest tragedy to happen to me, and a break-up or the end of a friendship doesn’t seem so bad to me. But we haven’t all been through crazy health issues; some have only had to deal with that break-up. And I will tell you, that yes a break-up sucks, and I was hurt after just as I know that so many of you are the same way. But, it is up to you whether you make things a tragedy or not. It might seem like a tragedy now, but I can guarantee that in a few months or in a few years, you will look back and laugh. Until then, deal with your tragedy however you want, because it is YOUR tragedy and the opinion you have of yourself is all that matters in a time like that. I am also here to guarantee you that there is someone else out there that is going through the same exact tragedy; you are not alone. It is just a matter of finding the right people to accept the way you are, and how your emotions are. The clouds will go away, and the sun will come out again. Just remember that: the storm always passes.